Be a Certified CompTIA Professional w/ 15 Expert-Led Prep Courses on CompTIA-Focused Topics. Visit TechRepublic Academy to discover many other offers including thousands of affordable courses on coding, design, software and much more: LIFETIME LICE...
Strengthen your organization's IT security defenses by keeping abreast of the latest cybersecurity news, solutions, and best practices with this bi-weekly newsletter! Receive trending articles similar to How hackers stole the personal data of 37 million T-Mobile customers.
This policy is designed to help your IT staff guide employees toward understanding and adhering to best security practices that are relevant to their job responsibilities.
Appropriate security/IT staff should be identified and tasked with developing, maintaining and updating security programs for users. Management must enforce the required behaviors mandated by these programs.
A new Kaspersky report sheds light on why some tech pros look for jobs on the dark web and how to spot suspicious and likely illegal positions from recruiters in that environment.
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