April 29, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

George Gilder is a blast from the past for any investors who lived through the dot com bubble, but he has come out of near-retirement and gradually been rebuilding his newsletter over the past year or so... including, most recently, selling his pricey Gilder's Moonshots newsletter with a pitch that's headlined, "Don't buy 5G Stocks, Buy 15G Instead" ... so what's he talking about with this "15G" business, and can we name any of those stocks for you to get you started?  I put the Thinkolator to work on it this morning, just click below to...

In these unprecedented times, the right tools helped save alert traders from detrimental losses by giving them foresight into the market 72 hours in advance! Many traders used this cutting-edge forecasting to act nimbly in unstable market conditions. This free live training session online is a necessity if you want to profit in this chaos. Join now!


Jeff Brown has caused Gumshoe readers to flood my inbox in the first few days of this week with his pitch about a "$6.8 billion miracle antibiotic" that he says will release great clinical results as soon as July 1, causing the stock of the company behind it to soar as much as 12X in value right away... so naturally we want to know what that might be, yes?  Maybe sniff around and see how realistic that forecast is?  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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