Green Computing Initiatives; Fabric of a New Digital Curtain; Predictive Maintenance on the Edge

InformationWeek Data Analytics
November 14, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Chief Trust Officer Role Can Be the Next Career Step for CISOs
How can CISOs take the next step in their careers to become chief trust officers? A keynote at the Forrester Security & Risk Forum 2022 delved into the importance of this C-suite role and how it is essential to drive growth.

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How to Launch a Green Computing Initiative That Really Makes a Difference

A growing number of IT organizations are deploying green computing initiatives. Here's how to ensure sure that your project will actually meet its goals.
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Weaving the Fabric of a New Digital Curtain

The enactment of multiple country-specific data privacy and security measures around the globe evokes memories of the Iron Curtain, leaving organizations wondering where they can gather or distribute their data.
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Predictive Maintenance on the Edge: Mitigate Supply Chain Issues

Take a look at how manufacturers can utilize predictive asset maintenance to reduce supply chain impacts.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Q&A: The Failed Binance -- FTX Deal and the Crypto Winter
CK Zheng, co-founder of ZX Squared Capital, shares some perspective on Binance’s now-rescinded offer to acquire rival cryptocurrency exchange FTX. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Imagining a Different Future for Security Awareness and Training
What if security adapted in response to human risk? A recent Forrester Security & Risk Forum 2022 session explored what it would take to shift security and awareness training from a compliance strategy to a behavior-based strategy. Read More
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Facebook Parent Meta Lays Off 11,000: What CIOs Should Know
Facebook's parent company Meta is laying off 13% of its workforce, a week after another social media giant, Twitter, laid off half of its employees. What do these moves say about tech trends going forward and the tech labor market in 2023? Read More
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Ukraine Cybersecurity Message at BlackBerry Security Summit
A surprise livestream from the besieged country, and other speakers, gave a look at ways cybersecurity can affect tangible issues in the physical world. Read More
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