The cyber-espionage group has created a stealthy, hard-to-mitigate network of persistent access across a range of organizations, but the endgame is unclear.
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 August 28, 2023
China Unleashes Flax Typhoon APT to Live Off the Land, Microsoft Warns
The cyber-espionage group has created a stealthy, hard-to-mitigate network of persistent access across a range of organizations, but the endgame is unclear.
'Whiffy Recon' Malware Transmits Device Location Every 60 Seconds
Deployed by the infamous SmokeLoader botnet, the location-tracking malware could be used for a host of follow-on cyberattacks or even physical targeting.
Is Bias in AI Algorithms a Threat to Cloud Security?
Using AI for threat detection and response is essential — but it can't replace human intelligence, expertise, and intuition.
Luna Grabber Malware Targets Roblox Gaming Devs
Roblox gaming developers are lured in by a package that claims to create useful scripts to interact with the Roblox website, for example by “promot(ing) users, shout events, and so on, or to create Discord utiltiies (sic) to manage their community.”
eBay Users Beware Russian 'Telekopye' Telegram Phishing Bot
Thanks to a simple Telegram bot that democratizes phishing, ordinary Russians can conduct full-fledged phishing attacks with zero technical know-how.

Threat Actor Exploits Zero-Day in WinRAR to Target Crypto Accounts
Attacks targeting the now-patched bug have been going on since at least April 2023, security vendor says.

Name That Toon: Swift as an Arrow
Feeling creative? Submit your caption and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

5 Best Practices for Implementing Risk-First Cybersecurity
Embracing a risk-first mindset empowers organizations to make informed decisions, strengthen security, safeguard valuable assets, and reduce financial impact.

What the Hive Ransomware Case Says About RaaS and Cryptocurrency
Hive tells us a lot about ransomware-as-a-service trends and the best ways to defend against attacks.

5 Early Warning Indicators That Are Key to Protecting National Secrets
The Defense Department must modernize user activity monitoring by prioritizing data that can be used early to proactively mitigate insider risk.

Ransomware With an Identity Crisis Targets Small Businesses, Individuals
TZW is the latest version of Adhubllka, which has been active since 2019 but has gone largely unreported due to its lower ransom demands.

Vendors Training AI With Customer Data Is an Enterprise Risk
While Zoom has scrapped plans to harvest customer content for use in its AI and ML models, the incident should raise concerns for enterprises and consumers a like.

NIST Publishes First Draft Standards for Post-Quantum Cryptography
Publication of the first draft PQC standards opens a 90-day period for public comment and paves the way for interoperability testing.

The Gulf's Dizzying Tech Ambitions Present Risk & Opportunity
Threats and opportunities abound for the UAE and Gulf states, so can they deal with being a cybersecurity stronghold?
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    While this summer has been jokingly called "zero-day summer" by some, 2023 fits Mandiant observations that zero-day exploitation has been trending upward for the last few years. As shown in our zero-day trends blog post, Mandiant tracked 55 zero-day vulnerabilities that we ...

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