China Unleashes Flax Typhoon APT to Live Off the Land, Microsoft Warns The cyber-espionage group has created a stealthy, hard-to-mitigate network of persistent access across a range of organizations, but the endgame is unclear.
'Whiffy Recon' Malware Transmits Device Location Every 60 Seconds Deployed by the infamous SmokeLoader botnet, the location-tracking malware could be used for a host of follow-on cyberattacks or even physical targeting.
Is Bias in AI Algorithms a Threat to Cloud Security? Using AI for threat detection and response is essential — but it can't replace human intelligence, expertise, and intuition.
Luna Grabber Malware Targets Roblox Gaming Devs Roblox gaming developers are lured in by a package that claims to create useful scripts to interact with the Roblox website, for example by “promot(ing) users, shout events, and so on, or to create Discord utiltiies (sic) to manage their community.”