TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 26, 2016

Washington Post Promotes Shadowy Website That Accuses 200 Publications of Being Russian Propaganda Plants

By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

The anonymous PropOrNot is calling for investigations of websites including Wikileaks and major progressive publications. READ MORE»

Green Party Recount Update: Lawyers, Activists, Organizers Get Going in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Jill Stein's campaign has raised $5 million as of midday Friday. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky Drops Truth Bomb on Trump's Election

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"If Clinton had won... the left could have been organized to keeping her feet to the fire." READ MORE»

How the Trump Presidency Is Killer News for the Military-Industrial Complex

By William Hartung, TomDispatch

Get ready for bigger bombs, bigger armies, and Reagonomics on steroids.  READ MORE»

What Europe Can Teach Us About Trump - They've Been Dealing with Guys Like Him for Decades

By John Feffer, AlterNet

Europeans have been dealing with their own mini-Trumps for decades. READ MORE»

Stop Calling It ‘Identity Politics’  -  It's Civil Rights

By Marcus H Johnson, The Establishment

Telling minorities or other marginalized groups that their issues are "distractions" certainly isn’t a path that leads to equality or racial justice. READ MORE»

100 Years of the ‘Gender Gap’ in American Politics

By Anya Jabour, The Conversation

The fact that 53 percent of white women cast their ballots for Trump threatens to obscure the importance of gender to U.S. politics. READ MORE»

And Now, the No-Thanks List: 7 Terrible People, Events and Phenomena of 2016 That Inspire Zero Gratitude

By D. Watkins, Salon

Yesterday was for gratitude. Today is for airing our grievances so they don't spill into the rest of the holiday. READ MORE»

What the Bible Says about Prayer Versus Reality

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

The Bible makes some rather bold claims about prayer. How well do they hold up? READ MORE»

Donald Trump Is Going to Make Money off the Secret Service Detail Assigned to Protect Him

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

A report indicates it could cost taxpayers $3 million per year to protect Trump — and his companies would be paid. READ MORE»

Drug War Fail: Drugs Now Kill More People Than Car Crashes

By Jack Burns, The Free Thought Project

Policy choices have consequences.  READ MORE»

Terrified TV Reporter Quits After Learning Businessman She Investigated Was ‘Planning to Murder Her’

By David Ferguson, Raw Story

His psychiatrist told me he was ‘homicidal’ and was planning to kill me. READ MORE»

How Do We Overcome Polluted Public Discourse When Climate Deniers Are Now in Charge?

By Dr. David Suzuki, AlterNet

The challenge is to improve conversations and create positive change in an age of online bickering, propaganda and entrenched positions. READ MORE»

TV News and Its Long Dark Night of the Soul

By Todd Gitlin,

Tunnel vision and faulty polls blinded television to what was happening during the election. But that's not all. READ MORE»

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