TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 14, 2016

Why the Christian Right Is Head Over Heels About Trump Becoming President

By Alex Kotch, AlterNet

Trump catered to them, and it worked—even on evangelical leaders who were skeptical of his commitment. READ MORE»

The Fact-Free White House: Donald Trump Assembles a Team of Conspiracy Theorists

By Brian Tashman, Right Wing Watch

Trump is choosing to surround himself with people who similarly gravitate toward fake news and baseless propaganda. READ MORE»

Chomsky: Is the American Dream Dead?

By C.J. Polychroniou, Truthout

Why class mobility is a thing of the past. READ MORE»

ExxonMobil CEO and Trump Pick Rex Tillerson: 'My Philosophy Is to Make Money'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"If I can drill and make money, then that's what I want to do." READ MORE»

Source: Donald Trump's Campaign Is Threatening 'Political Reprisal' for Defecting Republican Electors

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

One elector tells Salon, Trump affiliates are placing "career pressure" on GOP electors to toe the line on December 19. READ MORE»

6 Reasons We Need to Be More Even More Mindful Consumers as Trump Comes to the White House

By Katherine Paul, AlterNet

President-elect Trump has surrounded himself with pro-corporate advisers who would endanger public health, animals and the environment. READ MORE»

NDAA Leaves Door Open for U.S. to Send Syrian Rebels Missiles That Can Shoot Down Planes

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

Provisions slipped into the latest defense bill could give anti-aircraft missiles to extremist groups. READ MORE»

We Need a New Kind of Anti-War Movement

By Rachel Gilmer, AlterNet

It’s time to divest from U.S. militarism at home and abroad and reinvest in black, brown and working-class communities. READ MORE»

From Low End to Luxury, There's a Christmas Cannabis Gift for Every Kind of Smoker

By Janice Williams, International Business Times

What to give your Reefer Man (or woman) for a hempy, happy holiday.  READ MORE»

Abortion Rights Are Going Down the Drain in Ohio

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

Republicans in Ohio wanted a more restrictive "Heartbeat Bill" to ban abortions as early as six weeks. READ MORE»

Political Street Artist Chor Boogie Takes on Election 2016

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Art can't save you, but it can help you fight.  READ MORE»

It's 2016 and There Is a Monument Standing at Harpers Ferry, a Major Abolitionist Historical Site, Glorifying Slave Owners

By Taryn Fivek, AlterNet

It's time for the National Parks Service to be on the right side of history. READ MORE»

The Mind of Our Narcissist in Chief

By Thom Hartmann, Thom Hartmann Show

An interview with psychoanalyst Justin Frank on the inner workings of Donald Trump. READ MORE»

Why the Media's Emphasis on Russian Hacking Distracts from the Value of the Leaks That Exposed Corruption

By Bill Blunden, AlterNet

We can't ignore that leaks granted the public an unfettered view of systemic corruption. READ MORE»

Keith Olbermann Blasts 'Traitors' Protecting Trump: 'We Are the Victims of a Bloodless Coup'

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Republicans and Democrats alike are eerily silent. READ MORE»

Want to Tie up Your Partner? How to Delicately Raise the Topic

By Lily Black, Lex Winters, Kinkly

Bondage can be a scary subject to approach. Be respectful and be mindful of your partner! READ MORE»

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