Dear John,

Why do some people overcome incredible life challenges and others are forever impacted negatively when life knocks them down?

I remember an article about identical twin brothers. The first brother was in prison and was asked why he ended up in prison. He answered that it was because he had an abusive alcoholic father. The second brother was a very successful multi-millionaire business owner and he was asked how he ended up so successful. He answered that it was because he had an abusive alcoholic father and he spent his life doing everything he could to not be like him.

Both brothers made a choice.

I believe strongly that YOU are BORN TO WIN, but in order to be the winner your were born to be, YOU must CHOOSE TO WIN.

Choose to Win!




Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306