Dear John,

We are so excited to announce Tom Ziglar’s new mentoring program called Choose To Win, based on his new book with the same title.

You can check out a free webcast of one of Tom's Choose to Win Mentoring Sessions's here.

When you join, you’ll get lifetime access to the Choose To Win Facebook Community so you can get the support and encouragement you need to reach your biggest dreams and goals starting right NOW!


You will get TWO FREE tickets to our Choose to Win two-day event at Ziglar H.Q. later this year. *Date is TBD.

During this two-day event, Tom will dive deep into the Choose to Win philosophy and share how you can use the Choose to Win program to help others.

All you have to do is sign up for Tom's Mentoring Program, and you and your guest can attend at no cost.

Check it out here.

We are happy to announce that we have extended this program from 8-weeks to a FULL YEAR.

That's right, for only $497, you can meet with Tom Ziglar every Monday morning and talk to him LIVE.

That is an opportunity you won't want to miss....a live, personal, Q and A, with Tom Ziglar...the proud son of American Legend Zig Ziglar.

Can you imagine the wisdom and insight Tom must have?

He learned from the greatest, and you can too.

For the next year, you’ll meet with Tom Ziglar personally to learn how to…

  • Replace bad habits with good ones (the fastest way to success)
  • Make better choices each day (in your personal and business life)
  • Reach your biggest dreams and goals (so you can have the life you want)

There is no one in the world with the insight to the Ziglar Philosophy than the proud son of American legend Zig Ziglar!

Tom has seen it all, and has accumulated powerful lessons and illustrations to help you WIN in life and business!

Register here.

The next session is THIS MONDAY, so join today!

Get started here.

Remember, you were BORN to WIN, so CHOOSE to WIN!

Choose to Win!

Team Ziglar


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306