Plus, the real meaning of fascism, and more…
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March 29, 2023


Congress Wants to Ban TikTok. The Courts Might Have Other Ideas.
The Chinese social media app has a powerful ally in its fight against the political establishment: The First Amendment.
by Matt Ford


How the so-called virtual water trade affects the Colorado River
by Noah Gordon
Historians and scholars can’t agree on a definition of fascism, much less whether today’s violent, authoritarian-curious GOP is an example of it.
by The Politics of Everything
Special offer for TNR newsletter subscribers only: Get one year for $15
Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway explain how industry groups foisted free-market fundamentalism on the American public and demonized the alternatives.
by Jack McCordick
Spoiler alert: It (almost definitely) won’t work.
by Alex Shephard
From The Ticker:
Tim Burchett does not seem to think the government has a role to play in stopping mass shootings.
by Prem Thakker
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