Media Winners & Losers

Chuck Todd

NBC News political director Chuck Todd has seen a big increase in ratings in the last few weeks for the Sunday flagship Meet the Press and plenty of buzz from his daily MSNBC shows.

The networks have seen an increase across the board in viewership during the coronavirus crisis. But Meet the Press stands out this week for having marked five straight years as the most-watched Sunday public affairs program in Washington, D.C.

This past Sunday was the second edition of the MTP special focusing on the pandemic. The first, a week ago Sunday, brought in the show's biggest audience in 11 years. That is, until this week, when the numbers climbed higher, with 4.848 million total viewers and an additional 323,000 total viewers for rebroadcasts on NBC. That's over 5 million total viewers.

But Todd didn't make the ratings his only good news this week. On Sunday he ended his show with a thank you for people across the country who are still at work during this time of social distancing and quarantines.

For being the recipient and a sharer of positive news amid the frightening reports that must accompany a crisis, Chuck Todd is a definite winner this week.
Jerry Falwell Jr.

Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. invited students to return to the school's campus this week, despite the many, many warnings from the White House task force and public officials regarding the necessity of social distancing and the particular importance of vigilance among the younger generations.

“I think we have a responsibility to our students — who paid to be here, who want to be here, who love it here — to give them the ability to be with their friends, to continue their studies, enjoy the room and board they’ve already paid for and to not interrupt their college life,” said Falwell, getting nearly every single individual point of warning wrong.

Falwell is among the large number of big Trump supporters who has stood at odds with the media and the medical profession since day one of the outbreak. A little less than two weeks ago he was on Fox & Friends regurgitating the early Trump-insider take that the coronavirus is just the "next attempt to get Trump." Oh, and he floated the idea the whole thing was a North Korean bioweapon attack, too, because why not?

Though some among his flock doubt his medical wisdom, he has managed to find support in his community. That's how disinformation succeeds, after all. 

The A-Block

Still no Stimulus

Congress spent another day fighting and not passing a bill with economic relief for taxpayers or businesses. 

CNBC's Jim Cramer resorted to pleading with Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but at the time of this mailing there is no resolution.

Pelosi herself wasn't in very high spirits, either. She had a snippy answer when CNN's Dana Bash asked her about Trump tweets.

Economy vs Health

Amid increasingly insistent outcry from conservative pundits against taking measures to ensure the safety of Americans during a pandemic, President Trump has been leaning away from his temporary war footing and toward the idea of just getting everyone back out in public. He warns, as many of the pundits have, that the economic consequences of a shut-down could carry its own high death toll, even "suicides by the thousands." 

He's targeting Easter for the end to the lockdowns across the country. White House Coronavirus Task Force infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci doesn't see any particular data to back such a high degree of optimism.

Meanwhile the task force is, like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, very worried about New York. They suggest that people fleeing the state self-quarantine for two weeks at their destination to prevent potentially making things worse in other states.

An Hour of Wasted Time

Trump did a full hour interview on Covid-19 with Fox News on Tuesday. It wasn't well-received.

Cough in Your Elbow

CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper chided 2020 Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday for coughing into his hand live on TV.

After Biden coughed into his hand and said, “Excuse me,” Tapper responded, “You know, you’re supposed to cough into your elbow… I learned that actually covering your White House.”

Bad News

Or rather, on the subject of being bad at news: 

Getting it wrong on the story of how an elderly couple poisoned themselves with fish tank cleaner because they .. well they frankly weren't too sharp. Nor was the terrible Axios coverage that created a Twitter storm.

The hot take bonanza has claimed another victim on social media, the same one as a week ago: Matthew Dowd. For his insistence on weird comparisons to try and show the response to the pandemic is worse than the pandemic.

MSNBC blew it big time, with a mangled tweet about Chris Hayes, incorrectly quoting him as saying coronavirus has the potential to KILL 50% of the U.S. population, rather than what he actually said, which was that unchecked it might *infect that many. The wrong tweet was up for hours and hours overnight before a correction. Yikes.

What to Watch

Mediaite’s Picks For What TV and Movies to Binge on During Coronavirus Lockdown

One of the many unfortunate by-products of the covid-19 coronavirus crisis is the hours of confinement that effective social distancing demands. 

And since playing “Twister” is out of the question, one great way to occupy your time, and keep your mind off the news, is a good TV binge — or five.

To that end, Mediaite has put together our staff’s picks for movie and TV marathons to pass that extra time. Why do chores when you can do not chores?

Check out our picks here... and enjoy!

Must-See Clip of the Day

'A Tale of Two Leaders'

On Tuesday, MSNBC's Morning Joe mashed up the latest comments on the coronavirus from President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a comparison montage.

It makes for an interesting side-by-side, and serves as somewhat of an alleviating clip amid the bombardment of Trump's own message on the airwaves. That is, not every world leader, even the seemingly "Trumpian" ones, talk about this pandemic the way Trump himself does.

It's definitely worth a watch.

Links We Like

#GenX Trends on Twitter Because of How They're Handling Coronavirus—Here's Why
via Parade
The Coronavirus-Relief Package Isn’t Socialism
- National Review
Trump Is Back to Waging War on Science, at the Worst Possible Moment
- via New York Magazine 
COVID-19 and the Unintended Consequences of Economic Shutdown
- via RealClearPolitics
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