In this issue, September 10, 2019 View it in your browser.

Cilium, Technical Leadership, Autonomous Vehicles, Kubernetes, Go, Navigating the .NET Ecosystem, WebAssembly, Azure IoT Plug and Play, Distributed Tracing at Uber, Practical DDD

Over 70 speakers are already confirmed at QCon San Francisco 2019

Google’s Software Engineer Ivan Rodriguez, Netflix’s Engineering Leader Vasily Vlasov and’s Christine Yen are just some of the confirmed speakers for this year’s conference. Learn from these experts. Register with INFOQ100 to save $635 before Sept 21st.

Thomas Graf on Cilium, the 1.6 Release, eBPF Security, & the Road ahead

On this week’s podcast, Thomas Graf (one of the maintainers of Cilium and co-founder of Isovalent) discusses the recent 1.6 release, some of the security questions/concerns around eBPF, and the future roadmap for the project. (Podcast)

Pat Kua on Technical Leadership, Cultivating Culture, and Career Growth

In this podcast we discuss a holistic approach to technical leadership, and Kua provides guidance on everything from defining target operating models, cultivating culture, and supporting people in developing the career they would like. There are a bunch of great stories, several book recommendations, and additional resources to follow up on. (Podcast)

Dave Thomas & Andy Hunt on the 20th Anniversary Edition of The Pragmatic Programmer

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods, spoke to David Thomas and Andrew Hunt about the 20th Anniversary edition of The Pragmatic Programmer. (Podcast)



Why are My Microservices Slow?

Discover the common challenges found when operating distributed cloud-native environments and how to approach them:

  • Performance and reliability
  • Tracing and call analysis
  • Bottlenecks and errors
Learn More.

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Waymo Shares Autonomous Vehicle Dataset for Machine Learning

  2. Introducing KiloGram, a New Technique for AI Detection of Malware

Metrics-Driven Machine Learning Development at Salesforce Einstein

Eric Wayman discusses how Salesforce tracks data and modeling metrics in the pipeline to identify data and modeling issues and to raise alerts for issues affecting models running in production. (Presentation with transcript included)

Seven Steps to Design, Build, and Scale an AI Product

Allie Miller explores the fundamental use cases in AI and how designers and engineers can be at the forefront of prioritizing AI/ML best practices. (Presentation)



A Technical Guide to Performing APM with Open Source Technologies

This paper examines APM value propositions, functionalities and implementation methods. It also discusses the benefits of performing APM using open source technologies such as the InfluxDB open source time series platform. Read the paper in full - Download Now.


  1. Security Architecture Anti-Patterns by UK Government National Cyber Security Centre

  2. Amazon Announces General Availability of Aurora Multi-Master

  3. Google Releases a Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) in Beta

  4. Kubernetes Policy Enforcement with Open Policy Agent Gatekeeper

How to Use Chaos Engineering to Break Things Productively

Chaos can be a preventative for calamity. It's predicated on the idea of failure as the rule rather than the exception, and it led to the development of the first dedicated chaos engineering tools. This article explores chaos engineering, and how to apply it. (Article)

Go 1.13 Brings Centralized Module Mirror Proxy and Checksum Database

While leaving the language mostly unchanged, Go 1.13 brings a number of improvements to the toolchain, runtime, and libraries, including a relatively controversial default Go module proxy and Checksum database which requires developers to accept a specific Google privacy policy. (News)

Spring Cloud App Broker V1 Eases Development of Managed Services

Spring Cloud has introduced a new framework called Spring Cloud App Broker which eases the development of Spring Boot applications that implement the Open Service Broker API, and the provisioning of those applications as managed services. (News)



DevOps for Dummies

The 3rd edition of this eBook helps you understand the real business benefits of DevOps, takes you through the ten biggest myths, and describes how to use DevOps to solve new challenges. It also explores IBM’s own successful transition to DevOps. Download now.

Navigating the .NET Ecosystem

In 2002, .NET was released. Over the next 12+ years, the .NET developer community patiently grew at a seemingly steady pace. Then, things started evolving rapidly. Microsoft anticipated the changing ecosystem and embraced the open-source development mindset, even acquiring GitHub. (Article)


  1. Mozilla Will Continue to Support Existing Ad Blockers, Partially Implementing Extension Manifest V3

  2. TypeScript 3.6 Introduces Stricter Generators & Better Promise Handling

  3. Facebook Proposes New IsInputHandling API for Faster Input Event Processing

WebAssembly Source Code Can Now Be Debugged outside the Browser with GDB and LLDB

Mozilla will continue to support existing extensions which prevent ads from being displayed, unlike Google, which in its draft Extensions Manifest v3, proposes changes to the browser extensions mechanism which may break ad-blockers. (News)



Advanced Linux Commands

Using the development of a LAMP application as an example, this cheat sheet provides commands to develop a web application on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, set up a SELinux boolean, run a program in the background in your shell, use Java instead of PHP, and more. Download Now.


  1. Simplifying Device Connectivity, Microsoft Releases IoT Plug and Play in Preview

Five 0-Day iOS Vulnerability Chains Have Been Exploited for Years

A collection of fourteen vulnerabilities affecting almost every iOS versions from iOS 10 to iOS 12 enabled a number of hacked Websites to gain control of their visitors' devices and steal a wealth of private data aver at least two years, Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) engineer Ian Beer wrote. These vulnerabilities are not new. What is new is the discovery of their active exploit in the wild. (News)

Practical DDD: Bounded Contexts + Events => Microservices

Indu Alagarsamy talks about the intersection of DDD as a software discipline with Messaging as a technology counterpart. DDD allows us to move faster and write high-quality code. When we start to use the technology of messaging to communicate between clean and well-defined bounded contexts, we get to remove temporal coupling. We now have microservices that are built for autonomy from the ground up. (Presentation with transcript included)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, Nov 11-13, 2019. Join us!

Conquering Microservices Complexity @Uber with Distributed Tracing

Yuri Shkuro presents a methodology that uses data mining to learn the typical behavior of the system from massive amounts of distributed traces, compares it with pathological behavior during outages, and uses complexity reduction and intuitive visualizations to guide the user towards actionable insights about the root cause of the outages. (Presentation with transcript included)

Welcome to the Reactive Revolution:RSocket and Spring Cloud Gateway

Spencer Gibb introduces the RSocket protocol and explains how to use it, and shows how to create a messaging gateway through integration with Spring Cloud Gateway. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. The Importance of Leadership and Management in Hypergrowth

Data Analytics in the World of Agility

Is it all about customer-centric business, or is there any data left? Can we integrate data analytics and customer empathy? This article explores how we can move towards a more customer-centric business and what information we require in order to understand the most valuable thing we have: our customer. (Article)

Appreciation at Work

As organizations across the world are experimenting better ways to sustain their employees' engagement, appreciation and recognition programs have flourished in the last five years, among the best, if not the best, tool of predilection for making employees feel valued. Appreciation benefits are not limited to companies' performance; they also benefit individuals and teams. (Article)

How to run effective remote meeting

Mastering remote meetings really isn’t that difficult, but it does need your attention. You’ll get more done, more easily. You’ll have more interesting conversations. People will notice. And when that happens, you’ll notice how infectious improved practice can be. Use the ideas in this article to improve the quality of your remote meetings. And get your questions answered by joing our free online event.

Can Your Meeting Kit Cut It?

Every team meets. Most run their meetings the same way their grandparents and their grandparents' grandparents did. Meeting records predating the Romans describe a leader pontificating, brief back-and-forth discussion, then a conclusion with an inconclusive bit of mumbled agreement. Meetings haven't changed much in thousands of years. (Article)

Liberating Structures @CapitalOne

Greg Myers talks about Liberating Structures - a set of facilitation frameworks that enable shared ownership and inclusion. At Capital One they have found Liberating Structures to be a great fit with Agile approaches - bringing energy and life into sessions, workshops, off-sites and in leadership coaching. He shares practical applications of Liberating Structures that we can use in our workplace. (Presentation with transcript included)

The Trouble with Learning in Complex Systems

Jason Hand explores the challenges with learning in complex systems, the relationship between high and low stakes learning opportunities, as well as the cost associated. (Presentation with transcript included)

Effective Communication - Get Buy-in Faster by Asking Better Questions

Roi Ben-Yehuda talks about one of the most valuable (but least-known) skills we need to communicate well and influence: how to use the right question at the right moment. He discusses our communication skills so that we can more quickly resolve problems, earn influence, and motivate people. (Presentation with transcript included)