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📝 Today's Rundown
  • 📱Mass Adoption: Previously, Cash App users could only send Lightning payments, but through a new integration, users can now also receive Lightning payments directly into their wallets.
  • 🏘️ Circular EconomiesEnabling the regular usage of bitcoin is the most important step to bringing bitcoin adoption to remote places that need sound money.
  • 🤔 Thinking Of Selling?: The entire world is in the midst of financial calamity unlike most alive have ever seen. Is the middle of the bear market the time to sell your bitcoin?
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📱Mass Adoption

40 Million Cash App Users Can Now Send And Receive Bitcoin Lightning Payments
By Shawn Amick

Cash App users can now send and receive bitcoin payments instantly via the Lightning Network, according to an announcement by Michael Rihani, the company's product lead, in which he highlighted the process in a simple image tweet.

Since last February, users were already able to send bitcoin to other Lightning wallets, via its initial integration. From now on, 40 million users are now fully exposed to the entire bitcoin ecosystem. This means that 40 million users can now settle instant, back-and-forth payments of bitcoin.

Although it's worth noticing that this is a custodial wallet, it provides exposure to the broader population, and increases awareness around bitcoin usage.

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🏘️ Circular Economies

Bitcoin Adoption Happens Fastest In Circular Economies
By Kudzai Kutukwa

One of the most consequential wars ever fought in the history of mankind is being waged today and nobody seems to notice. This is the war between Bitcoin and fiat — a battle for the future of money.

For Bitcoin to win this war we don’t need violence at all. We just need people to realize that government mandated money is destroying our civilization and that we have finally an incorruptible alternative in bitcoin. 

To speed up the process, building parallel bitcoin economies is a great idea. There are already a few examples of thriving communities living under a bitcoin standard.

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📰 The Daily Bits

1. Chinese intelligence officials allegedly bribed a double-agent with the FBI to steal information related to an active criminal investigation against a global company.

2. A bug resulting in the stalling of LND and btcd nodes had minimal impact — but it could have been much worse.

3. Regulators like the FATF are going to continue to make decisions surrounding Bitcoin, so Bitcoiners should seek to have input.

4. Don’t be fooled by the news, the bitcoin price and stock market is stabilizing and natural gas stores are more than full. We may be past the worst days.

5. In partnership with Swan Bitcoin and BTC Direct, Trezor Suite users can DCA bitcoin and have it automatically placed on the hardware wallet.

6. As the bitcoin price continues to struggle, investors are showing interest in buying distressed bitcoin mining assets.

7. Bitcoin and the Lightning Network are set to revolutionize energy production through their flexibility.

8. U.K seeks to regulate bitcoin and crypto similar to current financial instruments.
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🤔 Thinking Of Selling?

Think Before You Sell Your Bitcoin
By Robert Hall

The price of bitcoin, as measured against government-enforced paper money, has been better. However, almost every currency in the world is becoming more unstable and weakening against the dollar, which is inflating as well.
Economic turmoil is all around the world and, naturally, people are searching for the best asset to maintain their purchasing power. For those HODLing bitcoin, current market conditions could make them think about selling it for U.S. dollars, at least for a short term, quick profit while the turbulence continues. But, is it a good idea?

Before doing so, ask yourself: What am I getting in return? No one knows how long the U.S. dollar can continue to be the world's reserve currency, but one thing is for sure: The dollar's days are numbered.

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By Ygor Petrov

When bitcoin experiences an upward move, many of us get excited. After such hard times, it is nice to celebrate a little bit too. But let's just not lose focus and continue stacking!

With love,
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