Good morning, Marketer, and what a mixed bag.

Hopefully we have something for everyone today. A look at the inner digital workings of one of the world’s most famous and popular entertainment companies, Cirque du Soleil. A step-by-step guide to maximizing next year’s email marketing budget. And how to prepare for a massive influx of “machine customers.”

Not familiar with that term? Think of Siri, Alexa and the rest of the gang, willing and able to stay on the line until customer service answers, no matter how long it takes.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Cirque du Soleil spotlights its digital strategy

The world's largest contemporary circus deploys a composable martech stack with key components from Sitecore.

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5 tactics to get the 2023 email marketing funding you deserve

Get funding that lets your email program contribute significantly to the company's bottom line. Here's how to approach your budget requests.

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3 actions to prepare for machine customers in service organizations

If machine customers haven’t already arrived in your industry, they will sooner rather than later. Here's what you can do now.

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The Comoto Family of Brands accelerates omnichannel marketing with first-party data

Comoto’s director of omnichannel and e-commerce explains how the retailer is unlocking its marketing potential with first-party data.

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How AI Unlocks Value from your Single Source of Data Truth

Join Snowflake’s Lourenco Mello and Julian Forero to discover how the data cloud is the foundation of your data-driven marketing strategy.

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Market research focus groups get new lease on life

Big troves of customer data still don't trump small focus groups. Quantitiative and qualitative approaches need to work together.

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What is customer experience and why does it matter?

Learn what customer experience is, why it's important, and how you can improve it for your customers.

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Email marketing is continually developing. Are you keeping up?

External factors like Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection and Hide My Email mean that marketers continually need to adapt. Download this MarTech guide to stay up to date.

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What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation isn’t just about buying or upgrading technology; it’s about creating a “digital-first” mindset throughout marketing operations.

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Explore the fall season of MarTech

More than 60 free sessions showcasing tools, technologies, and solutions — plus data-rich case studies from world-class brands like Coca-Cola and Atlassian… the complete fall edition of MarTech is here!

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