How Google Cloud users can combat coronavirus-themed phishing emails; Motorola Edge and Edge+: A cheat sheet
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Cisco and Google announce joint SD-WAN cloud hub

The multicloud network fabric helps facilitate application use across the enterprise and improve customer experience.

Additional TechRepublic resources

How Google Cloud users can combat coronavirus-themed phishing emails

Motorola Edge and Edge+: A cheat sheet

Google Classroom: 8 answers to common questions

How to adjust audio in Google Meet

How to share files via Bluetooth on Android 9 or 10

How to tag collaborators in Google Doc comments

Featured multimedia

Zoom video conferencing: Cheat sheet (free PDF)

Zoom is video conferencing software for Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices that run iOS or Android. It supports one-on-one calls, as well as group meetings that can hold up to 100 users for free or 500 users with an additional purchase.

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The AI and ML deployments are well underway, but for CXOs the biggest issue will be managing these initiatives, and figuring out where the data science team fits in and what algorithms to buy versus build.

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