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Workforce Watch

Editor's Note

This is placeholder text that is editable on each campaign.

In The Spotlight
The Ambassador for Change Program helps people in underserved communities find training for tech jobs.
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How can you most effectively partner with employers to transform workplace practices? At SHIFT The Future of Workforce, you will learn how redesigning jobs can lead to better outcomes for businesses, workers, and communities.

An interview with Melissa Daimler, author of the new book "Reculturing: Design Your Company Culture to Connect with Strategy and Purpose for Lasting Success."
RFID and other tech elements are the heart of the tire giant’s $550M expansion plan.
Tactical actions, like layoffs and software upgrades, cannot do the heavy lifting.
SL Alabama, LLC is the second Hyundai supplier in the state accused of using child labor in as many months.

In today’s tight labor market, manufacturers need to retain their work forces and drive employee engagement, but how do you do that when about 60% of workers lack basic digital skills? Attend this webinar for top tips on systematically driving workforce transformation.