NWC Update
Network Computing
October 28, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cisco Security Bugs: How Network Managers Can Keep Track
What products do the latest Cisco bugs impact? Are threat actors exploiting these bugs? Are there patches available?

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Top Questions for Wireless Operators Worldwide on Network Sunsettings
Plan to Expand? Prepare for Country-Specific Plans to Sunset 2G and 3G Nets for 5G to Rise.
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7 Strategic Network Automation Steps to Continuously Improve Network Security
Network automation can be strategically used to not only automate network operations tasks and save time, but also continuously improve the security posture of the network.
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Business-Optimized Networks Usher In A New Era For Networking Infrastructure
Networking success should be driven by great customer experience, not by a “bigger and faster” mindset.
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  • Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges In AI

    AI is advancing at a stunning rate, with new tools and use cases being discovered and announced every week, from writing poems all the way through to securing networks. Recent developments in LLM-based engines like ChatGTP and Google’s Bard ...

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Are Smaller, High-volume Outages Dominating Downtime?
The most prevalent outage type in the first half of 2023 is one so contained in its impact that it might not always register on official service status pages, making its diagnosis more difficult. Read More
SD-WAN vs MPLS: What's The Difference & Which Is Better?
While SD-WAN offers many advantages over MPLS, the choice between them should be based on the specific needs and context of the enterprise. Here are some points to consider when making the choice. Read More
The Pillars of Cloud Infrastructure Security in 2023 and Beyond
In a cloud computing world, the right protection strategies and solutions must span the entire digital infrastructure, dynamically scale as application resources grows, and automatically adapt to new infrastructure requirements. Read More
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