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How Do Clark Howard and Other Staff Set Their A/C During the Summer?
Deciding on an appropriate thermostat temperature during the summer can cause fierce family debates. Here’s how Clark handles it.
3 Reasons Your Insurer May Not Renew Your Policy
Sometimes insurance companies decide not to renew your policy. Here are the main culprits – and what to do to make sure you still get insurance.
My Son Got a Big Settlement. Should He Use It To Max Out His IRA Each Year?
A Clark listener’s son just got a six-figure lump-sum settlement. Does Clark think he should use it to max out his IRA every year? Or does he have other ideas?
Verizon Wireless Introduces New Unlimited Plans
Verizon just reworked its unlimited plans, cutting down to two options. But it also changed its perks to allow you to customize and buy à la carte.
Stat of the Day
$1 trillion: The amount of credit card debt that U.S. consumers face after Q1 of 2023 -- an all-time record. The worst part? The average credit card interest rate just hit a record 20.3%, the highest in the Bankrate database that started in 1985. Americans started paying down credit card debt after COVID-19 led to federal stimulus payments, but that’s no longer the case.
Top Resources for May
The Best Deals of the Home Depot’s Memorial Day Sale
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Head Men’s Super Soft Lounge Pants for $7
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Fast Food Innovation and How To Fix Your Items for Free
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is efficiently improving several areas in our lives, including restaurants. As a fast food fanatic, Clark explains what’s going on in the fast food industry. Also, do you have something broken in your home that you really want fixed? There’s a new option that can help save you big bucks.
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The Team Clark Consumer Action Center is a free helpline that can help you navigate your money questions. Call 636-492-5275.
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