Locked out of your social media account? Watch out for scammers promising to help Discovering that you are locked out of your social media account can cause you to go into a mild panic. There are a few things that you should try before asking for help online. But there are some that you should never attempt. Attention Mac and iPhone users - Your browser might be leaking Google search history For the most part, your browsing history is only available to you, so you are free to search without prying eyes. But a vulnerability in Apple's Safari browser can leak your history to other websites, which can use the data to gather more information on you. Warning: Anyone can undo this common way to block sensitive info in a photo It’s an excellent idea to redact pictures visible online, especially screenshots containing private or sensitive details. The virtual equivalent of censoring information is to open the image in an editing app and drag a marker over text. But here's why that doesn't always work and puts your data at risk of exposure. |