In this issue, November 28, 2023 View it in your browser.

Claude 2.1 LLM, Spotify Voyager, OTel Logging, eBPF, Azure Custom Chips, MicroCloud, Identity, Test Data, .NET Aspire, API Design, BBC Personalization, High-Performing Teams

Enhance your knowledge and stay ahead in the world of distributed systems at QCon London 2024

This track, hosted by Thomas Betts, delves into the complexities of distributed systems, covering the pivotal roles of APIs, protocols, and observability. Gain insights from experienced professionals who have built, maintained, and evolved connections in distributed systems. Find out more.
Explore all 15 tracks at QCon London 2024.


Sponsored by InfluxData

Introducing the FDAP Stack - Sponsored by InfluxData

Introducing the FDAP Stack

Powering Analytics Applications like InfluxDB 3.0 time series database with Flight, DataFusion, Arrow, and Parquet. Learn More.

Kanban is a Tool for Continuous Improvement

In this podcast, Shane Hastie spoke to Todd Little, Chairman of Kanban University, about the principles of Kanban and how they can be used to improve work processes in delivery teams. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Anthropic Announces Claude 2.1 LLM with Wider Context Window and Support for AI Tools

  2. KubeCon NA 2023: Ishan Sharma on Real-Time Generative AI for Gaming Apps Running on Kubernetes

  3. Google Announces New DeepMind Model, Lyria, to Generate High-Quality Music

  4. Microsoft Debuts Custom Chips for Cloud and AI: Azure Maia AI Accelerator and Azure Cobalt CPU

Spotify Open-Sources Voyager Nearest-Neighbor Search Library

Spotify Engineering recently open-sourced Voyager, an approximate nearest-neighbor (ANN) search library. Voyager is based on the hierarchical navigable small worlds (HNSW) algorithm and is 10 times faster than Spotify's previous ANN library, Annoy. (News)

Sponsored by DoiT

Observability & Monitoring for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) - Sponsored by DoiT International

Observability & Monitoring for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK)

Whether you're already utilizing Apache Kafka-based applications or considering adopting Amazon MSK, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge to effectively observe and monitor your Amazon MSK workload to help ensure optimal performance and operational excellence. Live Webinar, December 14th, 2023 - Save your Seat.


  1. OpenTelemetry Logging Marked Stable: Morgan McClean at KubeCon NA

From Monitoring to Observability: eBPF Chaos

Michael Friedrich discusses the learning steps with eBPF and traditional metrics monitoring and future Observability data collection, storage and visualization. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by DoiT

The Kubernetes Cookbook - Sponsored by DoiT International

The Kubernetes Cookbook

This guide is your comprehensive companion, equipping you with the knowledge and techniques to harness the full potential of Kubernetes. Get your copy today, compliments of DoiT.


  1. Amazon EC2 Enhances Defense in Depth with Default IMDSv2

  2. .NET Framework Custom Code for Azure Logic Apps (Standard) is Generally Available

  3. Google AlloyDB Omni: PostgreSQL-Compatible Database for On-Premises and VMware Cloud Foundation

  4. Canonical Releases a Low-Touch, Open Source Cloud Solution with MicroCloud

Microsoft Introduces Azure Integration Environments and Business Process Tracking in Public Preview

Microsoft recently introduced Azure Integration Environments in public preview, a new capability that allows organizations to assemble their resources into logical groupings to manage and monitor their integration resources more effectively. (News)


  1. Git-for-Data, Version-Controlled Database Dolt Gets PostgreSQL-Flavor

The Many Facets of “Identity”

Radia Perlman describes what aspects of identity and authentication blockchain might address, and compares a “blockchain“ approach with what is deployed today. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by Cockroach Labs

The State of Multi-Cloud 2024 - Sponsored by Cockroach Labs

New Report | The State of Multi-Cloud 2024

Multi-cloud: Must-have or mostly hype? We surveyed 300 engineers and architects across two continents to gain their on-the-ground insights from running multi-cloud deployments in production. The result? A report packed with unbiased, data-driven insights to inform your cloud strategy going forward. Download now.


  1. Java News Roundup: Spring Framework 6.1, Spring Data 2023.1, Payara Platform, JEPs for JDK 22

Efficiently Arranging Test Data: Streamlining Setup with Instancio

The need to ensure code quality is ubiquitous, regardless of the development paradigm. Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery indicate that reliable test suites are directly connected to the speed of development and quicker customer feedback loop. Instancio automates the data setup step - the A in Arrange-Act-Assert. So, it allows you to put more emphasis on the business feature tested. (Article)


  1. Visual Studio 17.9 Preview 1: Refreshed UI, Debugging, AI, Productivity and More

.NET Aspire: Cloud-Native App Development with Microsoft's Latest Project

Microsoft released .NET 8 last week; one of the most notable news within the launch was .NET Aspire, the cloud-native development stack for building resilient, observable, and configurable cloud-native applications with the dotnet. .NET Aspire includes a curated set of components enhanced for cloud-native by including service discovery, telemetry, resilience, and health checks by default. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Principled API Design at the Heart of Canva’s Apps SDK

Providing a Personalized Experience to Millions of Users @BBC

Manisha Lopes discusses levers available to tune a cloud application, aligning the Data Model with the usage patterns for the data, using Performance Tests to benchmark an application, and others. (Presentation with transcript included)

Living on the Edge: Running Code and Serving Data with Edge Services

Erica Pisani discusses what the edge is, how running code and serving data on the edge can improve the performance of services, and how to leverage these tools to maximize performance. (Presentation with transcript included)

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. How to Become a High-Performing Software Team

How to work with Your Auditors to Influence a Better Audit Experience

It is possible to influence a better audit experience, transforming it from a check-the-box exercise with little perceived value to one of true value that helps set you up for success, and with way less pain. This article explores how to experiment with adding agility into audit work while auditing a client, which can lead to better outcomes for you and your auditors. (Article)

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