Check out these four blogs and six helpful books to continue your SAP development journey.
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What is Clean ABAP?
This post explores the concept of clean and readable ABAP code. Explore how readable code differs from “dirty” code, how the idea of clean ABAP came about, and more in this excerpt from our book on the topic. Read here.
SAP Fiori Theming
In this post, learn how to create and maintain SAP Fiori themes within the SAP Fiori launchpad. Discover the UI theme designer, theme creation, exporting and importing custom themes, and more. Read here.
Ascend to Cloud ABAP
With SAP Business Technology Platform, you can write ABAP code (hopefully clean, as discussed above) for cloud applications. Learn about this option and its history in this post. Read here.
Error Handling for SAPUI5
This post continues our series on clean SAPUI5 and takes a look at how to handle errors in the framework. There are three key lessons to learn when coding cleanly. To learn them, read here.