Living Well Daily
May 11, 2024
Have You Heard About This M.D.'s Ingenious "Lung Cleanse" Yet?
This video covers everything, including...

The natural breakthrough one study showed could REVERSE COPD symptoms in just 2 short weeks.

Plus, the crazy simple at-home technique that clears out lungs... (Everybody needs to know this, especially now!)

It even reveals a way for you to easily test yourself for early lung cancer--using nothing but your fingers.

And I'm barely even scratching the surface of what you'll learn.

If you're concerned at all about lung health--especially during these times--you don't want to miss out on this.

CLICK HERE NOW to get access to his entire video with all of the details.
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Eyes Unlock Dementia Secrets a DECADE Early
Scott Olson Dear Living Well Daily Reader,

The eyes are the window to the soul.

We all know the old saying, of course. Its precise origins are unclear (it’s been attributed to the Bible, William Shakespeare, and Leonardo Da Vinci), but we know it’s true.

After all, our eyes DO have a way of exposing our feelings.

However, it’s not just emotions that our eyes reveal. New research found they can also be a window into another vital aspect of our health... your brain.

(Article continues below)
water pitcher If your water filter doesn't do this one thing...

You could be missing out on a HUGE health benefit.

Yes, you want to filter out bad tastes and odors...

But you also need you filter to do THIS if you want to drink water that makes you feel younger.

It's all explained in this video.
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There’s new evidence that your eyes could predict the onset of dementia an astounding 12 years before you receive an official diagnosis.

In a groundbreaking study, participants were given a unique vision test. They were tasked with pressing a button when they spotted a triangle hidden among a sea of moving dots.

Volunteers who later developed dementia were significantly slower in identifying the triangle compared to their cognitively healthy counterparts. The likely reason behind this “invisible” slowdown is alarming.

Amyloid plaques are the toxic culprits linked to the development of Alzheimer's. The researchers theorize that the plaques may silently attack the areas of your brain responsible forvision long before we see the memory symptoms we’re all looking for.

It's a stealthy assault on brain function that goes unnoticed until it's too late.

It’s not the only clue our eyesight gives us, either. Alzheimer's can also impair your ability to perceive outlines, differentiate colors, and process various visual information.

Even worse, you might not even know these changes are occurring.

It’s one of the reasons regular check-ins with your doctor are so critical. But between visits, you can do some simple things to support your brain health, improve your memory, and fend off dementia...
  • Research suggests that regular concentrated eye movements... essentially eye exercises.... can stave off memory loss. It may explain why folks who engage in mentally stimulating activities— like watching television and reading—have a lower risk of developing dementia.
  • Consider engaging in yoga, tai chi, or meditation to promote mental clarity and focus. There are free videos online that can help teach you the basics. Or look for a local class to learn.
  • Add a brain-supporting herb such as Ginkgo biloba, turmeric, bacopa, or ginseng to your routine.
  • Adopt a healthy diet rich in leafy greens, berries, and omega-3 fatty acids to nourish your brain.
  • Engage in regular exercise to improve blood flow and keep your brain active.
  • Prioritize quality sleep to allow your brain the rest and rejuvenation it needs.
  • Continuously challenge your mind with new learning experiences and mentally stimulating activities, from doing crosswords to playing trivia games.
Speed-of-processing training is another way to help your brain process visual information more quickly and correctly. It can improve your general cognitive function and may even lower your risk of dementia.

If you’re interested in trying out this method, there are online games and smartphone apps that incorporate this type of brain training. Try searching for “speed of processing training online.”

One I like is BrainHQ. It’s attached to a study, fun to do, and you can even participate for free.

Don't allow dementia to creep up on you unnoticed. Take control of your brain health today and give your eyes the attention they deserve.

Health and Happiness,

Scott Olson
Dr. Scott Olson, ND

P.S. The “TWO for ONE” deal that protects your eyes AND brain!

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Begde, A., Wilcockson, T., Brayne, C., & Hogervorst, E. (2024). Visual processing speed and its association with future dementia development in a population-based prospective cohort: EPIC-Norfolk. Scientific Reports, 14. doi. org /10. 1038 /s41598-024-55637-x
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