TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 6, 2017

The Last Thing America Needs Is Trump Armed with His Own Private CIA

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Oliver North and the recurring presidential dream of running secret operations "off the books." READ MORE»

'Gay Wedding Cake' Case Poses a Major Threat to Civil Rights

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

If Masterpiece Cakeshop wins its Supreme Court showdown, businesses will have a broad right to discriminate.  READ MORE»

As Alabama Senate Race Tightens, Voting Rights Lawyers May Sue State to Preserve Electronic Images of All Ballots

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Preserving the ballot images could be first step to recount, if problems surface next Tuesday. READ MORE»

Michael Flynn’s Indictment Exposes Trump Team’s Collusion With Israel, Not Russia

By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

But you wouldn’t know it from reading most mainstream coverage of the revealing affair.  READ MORE»

Republican Politicians Got Away With Ridiculous Claims to Defend Their Tax Bill—and It's Trump's Fault

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

How Trump paved the way for Republican lawmakers to be openly classist and racist. READ MORE»

A Newly Elected Democratic Socialist On How to Win in Trump Country

By Isaiah J. Poole, Campaign for America's Future

“If we talk to people on issues in a universal way, we are going to get their vote.” READ MORE»

Corey Lewandowski Dumbfounds 'The View' with Unhinged Rant About 'Killer' Trump

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

This guy has some anger issues. READ MORE»

Rep. Keith Ellison: GOP Tax Bill Would Reorder Society & Create 'Hereditary Aristocracy' for Rich

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

We're heading toward a world with very rich elite people in an ocean of desperate people just trying to hang on. READ MORE»

GOP Lawmaker Unleashes Homophobic Tirade After Democrat Touches His Arm

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

He previously silenced a gay colleague for violating "God's law." READ MORE»

'This Is Not a Tax Bill, This Is a Declaration of War': Nationwide Protests Erupt After GOP Tax Vote

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

From coast to coast, politicians and concerned citizens demand, "Tax the rich, not the poor." READ MORE»

The Art of Keeping Guantánamo Open

By Erin Thompson, TomDispatch

What the paintings by its prisoners tell us about our humanity and theirs. READ MORE»

How NATO Set the Stage for Open-Air Slave Markets in Libya

By Gregory Shupak, AlterNet

Corporate media has airbrushed the catastrophic NATO intervention out of its coverage of Libyan slavery crisis.  READ MORE»

The Surprising Reason Why Transportation Is Now the Top Source of U.S. Pollution

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

For the first time in four decades, transportation has unseated electricity production as the biggest source of U.S. emissions. READ MORE»

Medical Marijuana Patients Are Being Told to Give Up Their Guns

By Kelly Burch, The Fix

Authorities in Pennsylvania and Hawaii are cracking down on medical marijuana users who own firearms.  READ MORE»

For Some Victims, Reporting a Rape Can Bring Doubt, Abuse—and Even Prosecution

By Ken Armstrong, T. Christian Miller, ProPublica

False reporting is a crime, one that some police would like to make a priority. But history shows the police can’t always tell the truth from a lie. READ MORE»

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