InformationWeek Cloud
Industry Cloud Benefits; Hybrid IT Strategy and Cloud Costs; MOVEit Breach Impact

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InformationWeek Cloud
July 03, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cloud Equity Group’s Sean Frank Talks AI Mingling with the Cloud
Demand for AI as a tool for cloud management as well as a service that needs the cloud’s flexibility is intertwining these technology disciplines.

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Will Your Business Soar With an Industry Cloud?

Industry cloud platforms meet the unique requirements of specific vertical industry segments. Can your enterprise benefit from this technology?
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The Case of Climbing Cloud Costs – Optimizing Hybrid IT Strategy

A comprehensive look at rising cloud costs, with insight into the best practices for reducing costs and successfully implementing a hybrid infrastructure.
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MOVEit Breach Continues to Snap Up Victims

The State Department is offering a $10 million reward as the MOVEit breach blast radius grows.
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  • Hybrid Work vs Desktop Management

    What is the best option for providing access to on-premises applications running in data centers? VPN, desktop-as-a-service, virtual desktops, or something else? Join this webinar to find out more.

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Esther Dyson, Technologists Discuss ChatGPT’s Pros and Cons
The noted commentator spoke along with founders of AI-driven startups and a representative from Microsoft about ups and downs of the rise of generative AI. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
8 Data Privacy Concerns in the Age of AI
The proliferation of artificial intelligence comes with big questions about data privacy and risk. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
AI, Data, and Crypto in Play at Fintech Innovation Lab Demo Day
AI and machine learning are familiar to startups that graduate from this program, but recent developments have cast such technologies in a new light. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Industries Hiring Tech Workers Now
Tech companies have been laying off workers at a rapid pace, but plenty of other industries are looking to hire those who’ve been let go. Read More
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