Better Data Utilization, Chief Data Officers and Change, IT Infrastructure, and More...

InformationWeek Leadership careers
July 18, 2018
What Cloud Natives Can Teach the Rest of Us
Cloud natives differ from traditional companies in more ways than just their lack of legacy infrastructure: They think and operate differently.

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Clear the Real-World Barriers to Better Data Utilization

Success with IT initiatives isn't just about creating data; it's about making good use of that data.
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CDAOs Drive Change by Blurring Lines, not Drawing Them

The buck stops with the chief data/analytics officer in modern business intelligence.
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5 Signs Your IT Infrastructure is Falling Behind

Sure, you want to innovate with IT, but will your organization's server, network, and software infrastructure support that initiative?
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Understand Yesterday's Tomorrows to Gain Competitive Advantage

One way to innovate today is to look back and learn from the past innovations that never took shape.
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Active Archive & Data Repository with Hadoop
Once you've begun to use Hadoop for ETL offload, the next logical steps on your journey toward the d...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Next Generation of IT Support
The workforce is changing as businesses become global and technology erodes geographical and physical barriers.IT organizations are critical to enabling this transition and can utilize next-generation tools and strategies to provide world-class support regardless of location, platform or device Read More
5 Top Languages for Machine Learning, Data Science
Looking to make the move into one of the hottest jobs in technology today? Machine learning specialists are in high demand. Here are 5 of the top languages you may need in these careers. Read More
Report: AI Is More Hype Than Reality
The 2018 Interop ITX State of AI report includes some sobering statistics that will sound familiar to many business and IT leaders. Read More
2018 State of the Cloud Report
Cloud adoption is growing, but how are organizations taking advantage of it? Interop ITX and InformationWeek surveyed technology decision-makers with titles such as CIO, CTO, IT manager and IT director, at North American companies on cloud computing usage and optimization strategies. Read More
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