Cloud is Still IT's Top Priority, How to Limit Application Migration Pain, and more.

InformationWeek Cloud
April 30, 2018
How Cloud Computing Is Impacting Disaster Recovery Planning
IT executives know that the cloud is changing everything, but they might forget that they have to update their disaster recovery plan accordingly.

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Top IT Priority: Cloud. AI, Not So Much

IT organizations are focused on the cloud right now with automation and big data analytics also ranking pretty high on their to-do lists. AI, machine learning, and blockchain are down very low on the list of priorities.
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How to Spin Up an AI Flywheel with Data

Gather as much data as you can about your customers, optimize metrics to address business questions, and build out your AI-based applications.
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Moving Apps to the Cloud Is Painful; These Steps Can Make It Hurt Less

Migrating an application to the cloud involves much more than just selecting a cloud provider. It can be done, but think security, connectivity, and things like labor costs.
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Has IT Gone Packaged Software Crazy?

When it comes to software, why choose out-of-the-box plain vanilla when there's a rainbow of other flavors that you can choose from and swirl together?
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Threat Intelligence: Where to Start & What to Ask
In this session, you'll get a look at some of the different types and sources of threat intelligence...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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10 Things You Need to Know About Kubernetes
This open source container orchestration platform looks like it's on its way to becoming a de facto standard. Read More
5 Things I Learned While Trying to Understand Today's Cloud Pricing
I went digging in the weeds of the current cloud pricing battlefield to understand what is going on so you don't have to. Here's what I learned matters a lot, a little, and just enough. Read More
2018 State of the Cloud Report
Cloud adoption is growing, but how are organizations taking advantage of it? Interop ITX and InformationWeek surveyed technology decision-makers with titles such as CIO, CTO, IT manager and IT director, at North American companies on cloud computing usage and optimization strategies. Read More
Cybersecurity Strategies for the Digital Era
At its core, digital business relies on strong security practices. In addition, leveraging security intelligence and integrating security with operations and developer teams can help organizations push the boundaries of innovation. Read More
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