In this issue, September 4, 2018 View it in your browser.

Cloud Testing, Probabilistic Programming, Go, Uber's Java Profiler, Java Serialization, DevEX at Netflix, Airbnb's MvRX, Istio 1.0, Microservices, DDD

Announcing QCon London 2019 Committee!

Each QCon is individually organized by an expert group of senior software leaders. Anne Currie, Daniel Bryant, Peter Morgan, Werner Schuster, Martijn Verburg and Francine Bennet are the committee members for QCon London 2019. Join them and register before Sept 15th to save up to £630!



Track REST API Performance and Availability.

Monitor the availability and response time of your REST API endpoints from 90+ locations globally. Get insight into the response time of mobile and web apps that use your APIs as a daily driver. Detect downtime and fix critical issues before customers are affected. Learn more about Site24x7.

The InfoQ eMag: Testing Your Distributed (Cloud) Systems

Testing is an under-appreciated discipline and I wanted to shine a spotlight on the changing nature of testing in a cloud-driven world. We hope you enjoy what we've put together here, and find a host of thought-provoking, and actionable, ideas. (EMag)

Mike Lee Williams on Probabilistic Programming, Bayesian Inference, and Languages Like PyMC3

Reisz talks with Mike Lee Williams of Cloudera’s Fast Forward Labs about Probabilistic Programming. The two discuss how Bayesian Inference works, how it’s used in Probabilistic Programming, production-level languages in the space, and some of the implementations/libraries that we’re seeing. (Podcast)

Aurynn Shaw on Enabling a Sustainable DevOps Culture

In this podcast Shane Hastie talks to Aurynn Shaw about how DevOps, Microservices and other "technical" approaches are in fact cultural constraints on technical ideas and what's needed to make the culture sustainable. (Podcast)

California Creates Consumer Privacy Act

California has enacted the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 which, starting on January 1, 2020, would grant consumers several rights with respect to information about them that businesses collect, store, sold, and share. This is the first legislation of its kind in the United States. (News)


  1. Cloud Native Computing Foundation Accepts Harbor into CNCF Sandbox

  2. Google Releases App Engine Second Generation Runtime Supporting Python 3.7 and PHP 7.2 Support

The Best CLI Is the One You Don’t Have to Install

We tend to install a lot of CLI’s, and they can be tricky to configure. The Azure Cloud Shell is a browser-based CLI with zero commitments or configuration on your part. (Article)



Microservices and Containers 101.

Learn how developers use containers and microservices, their benefits and impact on resources, strategy, and monitoring, and what to do if you need a new application monitoring solution. Download the eBook.


  1. Go 1.11 Adds WebAssembly, Experimental Module Support, and More

Real-Time Functional Reactive Programming with Erlang

Peer Stritzinger and Kilian Holzinger discuss and show cyber-physical systems implemented with FRP-Erlang running on GRiSP, a bare-metal board running Erlang. (Presentation)


  1. Hazelcast Change CEO, Pledge Continued Open-Source Commitments

  2. Eclipse Releases Versions 1.4 and 2.0 of MicroProfile

  3. IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2 Supports Java 11, MacBook Touch Bar and More

  4. Uber Open Sources JVM Profiler for Tracing Distributed JVMs

  5. QCon New York 2018: Better Developer Experience at Netflix: Polyglot and Containers

The State of Java Serialization

Java’s Serialization feature has garnered several years' worth of security exploits and zero day attacks. This article discusses the current state of the technology and what can be done, both now and in the future, to protect against serialization flaws. (Article)



Cloud-Native Runtimes for OpenShift: Spring Boot, Vert.x, WildFly Swarm.

Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes offers developers flexibility and choices to build the right application with the right runtime, framework, language, and architectural style. Learn more about the cloud-native runtimes for Spring Boot, Vert.x, and WildFly Swarm.

What’s inside Visual Studio 2017 15.8

Visual Studio 2017 15.8 is now available, bringing a large collection of bug fixes and usability enhancements to the editor. Notably, this includes support for F# 4.5 and TypeScript 3.0. (News)

Airbnb Open-Sources MvRx for Android App Development in Kotlin

MvRx (pronounced “mavericks”) helps Android developers implement common features and integrate their apps properly with the OS. MvRx is written in Kotlin and powers all Android development at Airbnb, writes Airbnb engineer Gabriel Peal. (News)

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Vaughn Vernon: The Reality of Being Cloud-Native and Reactive

  2. Q&A with IBM's Lin Sun on Istio 1.0 and Microservices


At the 2017 Explore DDD conference, Julie Lerman, a self-described Serial DDD Advocate, spoke about how to approach Domain-Driven Design with Tender Loving Care. InfoQ sat down with Lerman to ask about how she introduces DDD to new clients, and helps them be successful. (Article)

Microservices in a Post-Kubernetes Era

The microservice architecture is still the most popular architectural style for distributed systems. But Kubernetes and the cloud native movement have redefined certain aspects of application design and development at scale. Modern developers must be fluent in a programming language to implement the business functionality, and equally fluent in cloud native technologies. (Article)

Be the one that brings innovation to your team

Get your monthly guide to all the topics, technologies and techniques that every professional or aspiring software architect needs to know about. Recent topics include serverless, chaos engineering and event-driven design.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Perpetual Guardian Experiments with a Four Day Work Week

  2. Defining the Competencies of Agile Coaching

  3. Heroes Are Expensive - Extinguishing the Firefighting Culture

  4. 13th Annual State of Agile Survey is Open

  5. Agile Stalwart David Hussman Passed away on 18 August

Four Ways to Take Charge in Your First Agile Project

Dudharejia dives into the details of Agile, as well as the Scrum process. The overarching lesson throughout this post is how newbies can take charge in an Agile project. The post discusses the importance of meetings, identifying strengths and weaknesses, using your team to the fullest extent, and how to avoid micromanaging. (Article)

Q&A on the Book Adaptive Space

The book Adaptive Space by Michael Arena explores what enables organizations to positively disrupt themselves and transform into responsive agile organizations. It describes four sets of connections, and five core principles, that support organizations increasing their agility. (Article)

Ethics in Computing, from Academia to Industry

Kathy Pham highlights considerations of ethics, social responsibility, and long-term impacts of software industry products. Pham discusses actions being taken in academia and industry today, as well as actionable paths forward to create cultures that build more responsible software and services for all people. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Spurring the Ethical Imagination

Natalie Evans Harris discusses how to incorporate ethical decision-making and identify ethical dilemmas working with data. Harris provides the tools to think more responsibly about data practices when writing reports, creating models, scrubbing data sets, or using data from other providers. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Organizing for Your Ethical Principles

Liz Fong-Jones discusses how to effectively accomplish change in our working conditions or our employer's products through grassroots employee advocacy. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Ethics in Computing Panel

The panelists discuss the important points around privacy, security, safety online, and intent of software today. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!

Data, GDPR & Privacy: Doing It "Right" without Losing It All

Amie Durr talks about the privacy concerns and subsequent regulations that come with much information; and how to operate a business that does the "Right" thing for the consumer, without impact the ability to innovate, personalize and grow. (Presentation)
The next QCon is QCon San Francisco, November 5-7, 2018. Join us!