☁ 73° High, 61° Low. Cloudy with a chance for sprinkles in the afternoon. Mild...............................................................

Forecast for Sunday, March 10

Clouds are back, and we likely won't see much of the sun until Wednesday☁️ ~ Sarah

Update from Sarah Spivey

Good morning!
Overnight, clouds returned to South Texas and it will be difficult for us to shake them for a while. Today, expect a high in the low-70s with the chance for a few afternoon sprinkles. Still no soakers are expected, so don't cancel plans!
However, Monday and Tuesday scattered showers will continue on and off throughout the day. By Tuesday night, a fast-moving front will allow for the possibility of strong thunderstorms. There's still a bit of uncertainty on just how strong these storms will be, so please continue to check back in with us!
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High: 73°, Low: 61°

10AM 64°
1PM 69°
4PM 73°
7PM 70°
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