Network Computing
November 04, 2021
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Cloudsourcing Your Way to Network Optimization
Cloud-managed network services use cloudsourcing and AI to see what types of network configurations produce ideal network performance.

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LEO Satellite Broadband: Top Considerations for Enterprise IT
The low-earth orbit satellite (LEO) space race is underway and warrants watching and continued evaluation.
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What to Expect as the Era of Data Center Quantum Computing Nears
Although we’re still a decade out before quantum computing fully permeates data centers, enterprises should already begin planning in strategic areas
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Zooming Into Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) Philosophy
Zero Trust allows IT professionals to maintain a high level of security despite the extending boundaries of the network perimeter due to the increased use of cloud and remote work.
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  • Resilience and Reinvention: Enterprise IT in 2022 Virtual Event 12/9

    The IT infrastructure solutions that enterprises hastily deployed in 2020 appear to still be holding fast in 2021, as they await relief from “a return to normal.” However, in 2022, many businesses will begin making real IT investments again: to address both growth ...

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The New Normal is Insecure by Default
Organizations are tacitly agreeing to accept greater risk by moving quickly without equal attention to security. The new normal we heard so much about throughout the pandemic is apparently “insecure by default.” Read More
Customized COSU Device Management Solutions
Once connected to the network, COSU devices should be monitored to determine where they are located and whether use conforms to policy guidelines. Read More
A Word of Warning for Remote IT Infrastructure Workforces
To continue to support a remote IT workforce, due diligence must be performed to both reduce the number of hardware components that must be managed and the steps to be taken when outages occur. Read More
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