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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

News Headlines

Full speed ahead: CMS resumes most surveys

CMS surveyors could be on your doorstep tomorrow if you have faced a complaint in the last two months that has yet to be investigated.

Review patient falls, especially those involving infants, as surveys resume

The Joint Commission releases its 2020 sentinel event report: patient falls, unintentional retention of foreign objects, suicides, delays in treatment, and wrong surgery are once again the top patient safety problems.

Nurse officers stave off COVID-19 burnout with help of interim execs

Nursing executives experiencing stress and fatigue from COVID-19 are getting relief, in the form of time off and workload help, from interim executives to provide the break they need to avoid burnout.

Improving antimicrobial stewardship: AAAHC publishes new toolkit

To help combat drug-resistant bacteria, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) has published a new toolkit for improving antimicrobial stewardship. The toolkit, which also addresses COVID-19 considerations, offers an overview of the challenges organizations face in this arena, as well as strategies for optimizing the use of antibiotics.



Newsletter Articles

Start getting staff back into survey shape with this quick quiz

Your staff has been dealing with the COVID-19 crisis at work and at home for more than a year. Help them to get back into a survey readiness mindset with this quick quiz. Hospitals have found that simple quizzes or puzzles can be a fun and quick way to remind staff of basics in patient safety that can also save you an RFI.

Rate our newsletters! What do you think about IAQ & PSMJ?

This is Brian Ward and A.J. Plunkett, editors of Patient Safety Monitor Journal and Inside Accreditation & Quality and we are looking for feedback on our newsletters: what we're doing well, what we need to improve, what topics you want more coverage of. To do that, we are reaching out to subscribers to schedule short, one-on-one calls where you can share your thoughts on our newsletters. These calls would be 10-15 minutes and we'll also accept typed answers to the questions below.  

Please email us at bward@hcpro.com with either your availability or your typed answers. 


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Rate our newsletters! What do you think about IAQ & PSMJ?


This is Brian Ward and A.J. Plunkett, editors of Patient Safety Monitor Journal and Inside Accreditation & Quality and we are looking for feedback on our newsletters: what we're doing well, what we need to improve, what topics you want more coverage of.

To do that, we are reaching out to subscribers to schedule short, one-on-one calls where you can share your thoughts on our newsletters. These calls would be 10-15 minutes or you can email us your comments.

Please email bward@hcpro.com with either your availability or your typed answers. This feedback will set the tone of IAQ and PSMJ for 2021 and we could really use your help.

Thanks for you for reading!

Brian  & A.J.


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
