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Wednesday, February 10, 2021



Home Health NOW - The Virtual Home Health of the Year

Home Health Now is HCPro’s exclusive online summit taking place on February 18, 2021. The half-day event features sessions on topics that matter to home health professionals, like industry updates, COVID-19, vaccines, and more. Register Here.


Home Health

CMS offers billing instructions for COVID-19 vaccine administration
CMS has released information on Medicare billing for COVID-19 vaccine shot administration. Here are some things to keep in mind from CMS: You’ll be able to bill on single claims for COVID-19 shot administration or submit claims on a roster bill for multiple patients at one time.When COVID-19 vaccine doses are provided by the government …

Featured Podcast

COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness
Long-term care expert Reg Hislop discusses the Biden administration’s “National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness.”

Skilled Nursing Facility

SNFs predicted to lose $94 billion over two-year period
SNFs are expected to lose $94 billion between 2020 and 2021, according to a new analysis by American Health Care Association / National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA). In 2020, SNFs spent an estimated $30 billion on PPE and additional staffing, and these costs are expected to continue throughout 2021, according to AHCA. Additionally, nursing …

Most Read Articles


Coronavirus fears at work: What employers need to know to stay protected

What SNFs need to be doing right now to deal with COVID-19

CMS releases Five Star Quality Rating updates and FAQ for SNFs


Events Calendar



February 18, 2021 | Home Health Now: Online Summit

August 16-18, 2021 | Home Health Administrator's Summit

August 16-19, 2021 | Home Health Coding Summit

August 17-18, 2021 | Home Health Payment Summit

Ultimate Coding & OASIS Training Virtual Series