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As people steal hand sanitizer with plastic cups, hospitals work to secure supplies during the pandemic
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

News Headlines

Looking for ideas? OIG report outlines hospital strategies on COVID challenges

If you are still preparing for a major onslaught of suspected COVID-19 patients, review your plans against the strategies hospitals already have employed to deal with supply and personnel challenges, as outlined in an HHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) report released Monday.

CMS suspends restrictions on care venues as providers tackle COVID-19 surges

The sweeping "Hospitals Without Walls" initiative take effect immediately and allows hospitals to bill Medicare for services in unconventional settings.

COVID-19: First Responders Must Be Notified of Coronavirus Exposure

Healthcare facilities and public health officials now must inform emergency responders when they have been exposed to the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.


Newsletter Articles

Four ways you haven’t thought about using telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic

While the primary focus of telehealth during these early days of the coronavirus public health crisis has been on screening COVID-19 patients and treating those who can manage their symptoms at home, there are four ways this form of care can help hospitals and healthcare systems address the issues that the pandemic has created.

Accrediting organizations suspend most survey activities to focus on COVID-19

If you are expecting a survey from your accreditation organization (AO) in the upcoming weeks and months, check in with your liaison. All four hospital AOs have suspending most or all survey activities during the national emergency to deal with COVID-19.

Continue to secure supplies as long as national crisis evolves

Not only are hospitals grappling with trying to find N95 medical masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) as the supply chain rushes to keep up with the spread of the pandemic, but facilities are still seeing supplies disappear.

Some hospitals have reported people driving up to a building, walking in with a large drinking cup, and filling it up with alcohol-based hand rub before leaving, says Nicolette A. Louissaint, PhD, executive director of Healthcare Ready.

Keep track of latest guidance, other information to stay ready

As you’ve already witnessed, information during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic comes rapidly and keeps changing.

As policies get written and rewritten, ensure that you have the latest guidance available from CDC, CMS, and other authorities.

Pandemic dominates preparedness as hospitals ready for surge

Many hospitals and other facilities have been dealing with an overflow of patients since March, while other have been preparing for an immediate future of uncertainty and fear as the virus spreads.

That includes being inundated by information from federal agencies, including CMS, CDC, FDA and other agencies with updated guidance and regulatory changes to help the healthcare industry meet the national emergency.


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HCPro Coronavirus & Pandemic Response

As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, employers need to plan how to respond and comply with occupational safety requirements to protect their employees and ensure business continuity. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued a reminder to employers of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) worker protection standards and of recommendations made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
To help you navigate this turbulent issue, we've compiled key resources and are standing by to provide consultative guidance.



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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
