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CMS drops 3,000 pages of proposed rules
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

News Headlines

CMS unveils sweeping mandates on hospital pricing transparency
Source: Accreditation Insider

Under the proposed rule hospitals would have to make their 'real, negotiated prices known to patients.'

Speak Up™ on Patient Falls
Source: Accreditation Insider

On July 24, The Joint Commission (TJC) released free materials as part of its Speak Up to Prevent Falls campaign.


Inside Accreditation & Quality

Minnesota center uses high harm debriefs to improve event reporting
Source: Inside Accreditation & Quality

After a CMS survey last summer resulted in a finding of Immediate Jeopardy, University of Minnesota Health (M Health) was able to quickly develop and implement a new system to bolster its response to patient harm incidents.

3 ways to improve: Use nurse leaders to change workplace culture
Source: Inside Accreditation & Quality

To achieve organizational goals, nurse work environments must support an optimal staff member experience.

Get ready for the next flu season
Source: Patient Safety Monitor Journal

In the 2018–2019 season there were up to 43 million cases of the flu, resulting in about 20 million medical clinic visits, 647,000 hospitalizations, and 61,200 deaths. 

Eliminating the ‘weekend effect’ will improve maternal outcomes
Source: Patient Safety Monitor Journal

The last thing that should be on the mind of a woman going into labor is whether her weekend, holiday, or nighttime delivery is putting her and her baby at a greater risk of negative health outcomes.


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Webinar Spotlight

Preventing Suicides and Eliminating Ligature Risk in 2019

Presented on: Tuesday, September 10, 2019

1:00-2:30 p.m. Eastern

Register at: https://hcmarketplace.com/suicides-and-ligature-risk

Presented by: Jennifer Cowel, RN, MHSA, CEO, Patton Healthcare Consulting Inc.

CMS and accrediting organizations are increasing the pressure on hospitals to better identify patients at risk for suicide and to mitigate or even eliminate ligature risks in facilities. This pressure includes more frequent threats to accreditation. What’s changed in 2019, and what hospitals can do to meet expectations and avoid immediate jeopardy? This webinar will include a rundown of the new expectations outlined in Joint Commission FAQs, provide examples of problems identified in actual CMS and Joint Commission surveys, and photos of problems seen and solved.


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
