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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Featured Story

CMS Updates Accrediting Organizations on When to Pause Surveys
CMS’ Quality, Safety & Oversight Group promised new guidance to AOs on when to suspend surveys as part of an announcement on January 20 that the agency was temporarily suspending or limiting on-site surveys because of the COVID-19 patient surge. CMS told its own state survey agencies in January it was putting a general hold on hospital surveys, except for those dealing with immediate jeopardy situations, for at least 30 days, in recognition of growing COVID-19 patient surges in many areas.

News & Analysis

How Cedars-Sinai Built 'COVID Line Team' for Busy ICUs
During coronavirus patient surges, hospital ICUs often become inundated with severely ill patients. The COVID Line Team at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center has increased the efficiency of placing central and arterial lines in coronavirus patients and freed up precious time for the dedicated ICU clinical staffs.
The Skills CNOs Need to Advance Their Careers During a Pandemic
Senior-level opportunities are available despite an ongoing registered nurse (RN) shortage that, according to the United States Registered Nurse Workforce Report Card and Shortage Forecast: A Revisit published in the May/June 2018 issue of the American Journal of Medical Quality, is projected to spread across the country between 2016 and 2030.
Joint Commission Issues Alert to Help Nurses, Healthcare Workers With COVID-19 Crisis
The document is first in a series of Joint Commission alerts that address healthcare workers' concerns and provide guidance on how to respond to crisis, preparing them for the often-overwhelming circumstances of caring for patients during a pandemic. One Iowa nurse quoted in the publication explained in stark terms how the continuing onslaught of COVID-19 is pushing nurses and other frontline healthcare workers beyond physical exhaustion and inflicting emotional damage on those who care for patients.
PSQH: The Podcast

PSQH: The Podcast Episode 21 - The Vital Role of Environmental Services in Healthcare

On episode 21 of PSQH: The Podcast, Steve Zimmerman, director of health care services for ServiceMaster Clean, talks about the important role that Environmental Services plays in healthcare facilities. This episode is sponsored by ServiceMaster Clean.
Upcoming webinar

Medical Mayhem Room: Enhancing Situational Awareness of Patient Safety Risks in the Hospital Setting

This February 18 session will review a unique interactive method designed to increase situational awareness among healthcare workers (including assessing risks posed by COVID-19) via simulation in an interactive setting with the goal to prevent medical errors.

Industry Events

Friday, 4/30 - ABQAURP's 43rd Annual Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Conference

Tuesday, 6/11 - 2021 IHI Patient Safety Congress

Monday, 6/28 - APIC 2021

Monday, 8/9 - HIMSS21 Global Health Conference & Exhibition




Product Spotlight

The Complete Guide to Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition

The Complete Guide to Laboratory Safety, Fifth Edition, consolidates regulations from all relevant agencies, including OSHA, The Joint Commission, CAP, CLSI, DOT, and state health departments.

This book also offers customizable policies, procedures, and checklists to avoid costly fines and enhance your compliance program.

Order now!


Career Center

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