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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

News Headlines

CMS warns hospitals: Remember EMTALA obligations, particularly with pregnant patients

CMS issues EMTALA warning to hospitals, while TJC reiterates surveys may be impacted by continuing public health emergency.

TJC warns immediate threats to safety ‘spiking’ over single-use devices

Check your emergency rooms, outpatient clinics and anywhere else where pandemic-related equipment shortages have forced your facility to go outside normal supply lines for replacement medical devices. You could be saving yourself an immediate threat to health and safety (ITHS) citing by The Joint Commission (TJC).

Health systems and hospitals grappling with workforce shortages

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted workforce shortages at health systems and hospitals across the country. On Sept. 1, the American Nurses Association urged the federal Department of Health & Human Services to declare a nurse staffing crisis and to take immediate steps to implement solutions. Last week, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health announced that the Lebanon, New Hampshire-based health system had raised its minimum rate of pay for all positions from $14 per hour to $17 per hour to address workforce shortages.


Newsletter Articles

Eyewash stations, documentation biggest challenge for HFAP labs in 2020

Clinical laboratories surveyed under HFAP standards in 2020 showed improvements over the top deficiencies identified in earlier years, in a time when “clinical laboratories in all settings managed high testing volumes, demand for rapid turnaround times, and supply chain constraints related to the pandemic,” according to the accrediting organization’s (AO) 2021 HFAP Quality Review report.

Even so, labs were cited for not following ANSI standards for eyewash stations, not following manufacturer’s instructions for waived testing, and not performing equipment maintenance checks—or at least not documenting the maintenance.

COVID-19: IHI tool helps to identify gaps in patient surge preparedness

If COVID-19 cases are rising in your area again and you’re seeking a fresh look at your pandemic response plan, download the free patient surge preparedness checklist by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI).

IHI also has just released a set of recommendations titled “ ‘Psychological PPE:’ Promote Health Care Workforce Mental Health and Well-Being.” (For more, see sidebar.)

IHI’s “Hospital Preparedness for a COVID-19 Surge: Assessment Tool” offers a nine-page checklist of evidence-based items it has boiled down from resources and lessons learned from organizations such as CMS, the CDC, the American Hospital Association, the American Society for Health Care Engineering, Doctors Without Borders, and the New York state and Massachusetts departments of health, as well as a variety of hospitals and health systems from Boston to Texas.


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Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Fourth Edition

Your facility is explored from top to bottom for life safety compliance when life safety surveyors arrive on-site. Beat them to the punch with assistance from Analyzing the Hospital Life Safety Survey, Fourth Edition by doing your own in-depth analysis of your organization.

Life safety expert and independent consultant Brad Keyes, CHSP, provides a practical, strategic approach to the life safety survey process. He walks you through a room-by-room, floor-by-floor analysis of the life safety measures you must have in place to avoid costly citations. The book simplifies Joint Commission standards and CMS requirements and focuses on ways to pass your next life safety survey.

Order now!


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
