TODAY'S TOP STORY: Musician Robert Fripp, best known as founder and longest serving member of King Crimson, has taken to Facebook to discuss an ongoing dispute with the David Bowie estate and collecting society PPL about how his contributions to Bowie's 'Heroes' and 'Scary Monsters' albums have been classified. Which may seem like mere semantics, but such classifications impact on how PPL royalties get shared out... [READ MORE]
TOP STORIES Robert Fripp goes public about dispute with David Bowie estate and PPL
LIVE BUSINESS Campaigners put pressure on festivals to reject facial recognition technology
VMS announces Bert Van Horck as new CEO
RELEASES Years & Years' Emre Türkmen revives Exit Kid project
A Winged Victory For The Sullen announce new album and tour dates
GIGS & FESTIVALS King Creosote announces new tour for live film soundtrack
AWARDS Nicki Minaj, Slayer, Queen, more
AND FINALLY... Nine ways to celebrate BBC Music Day - you won't believe number six!
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Robert Fripp goes public about dispute with David Bowie estate and PPL
Musician Robert Fripp, best known as founder and longest serving member of King Crimson, has taken to Facebook to discuss an ongoing dispute with the David Bowie estate and collecting society PPL about how his contributions to Bowie's 'Heroes' and 'Scary Monsters' albums have been classified. Which may seem like mere semantics, but such classifications impact on how PPL royalties get shared out.

PPL licenses the use of recorded music on behalf of the record industry in scenarios like radio and when tracks are played in pubs, clubs, bars and cafes.

In copyright terms, this is when the so called performing or neighbouring rights of the sound recording copyright are being exploited. Because of a thing called performer rights, in these scenarios, any performers who appear on any one record have a statutory right to share in the money generated, even if and especially when they are not the copyright owner.

So when PPL collects royalties, it pays half of the money out to the copyright owner (often a record label) and half to the performers who appear on the record. All performers who appear on a track (pretty much) then share in that latter payment, including the main artist whose name appears on the record - what the music industry traditionally called the 'featured artist' - and any backing singers and session musicians.

Quite how that money gets shared out between the performers is set out in PPL's own rules. There are some complexities, but generally more is allocated to the featured artists than the session musicians. So therefore it's generally better to be listed as a featured artist than a non-featured artist in terms of how PPL monies get distributed.

Which brings us to the dispute involving Fripp. He says that he is classified as a session musician on the Bowie tracks on which he played guitar, even though it's generally agreed that his contribution to those records was more significant than what you would usually expect from a session player. So much so, were those records released today there's a high chance they'd be billed as David Bowie featuring Robert Fripp, which would be sufficient to get Fripp featured player status. But such billing was not so common way back when.

In a blog post on the dispute, Fripp's business partner David Singleton explains: "There is a huge injustice in the way that current rules are applied to historic recordings. In particular to those who would now be called 'other featured artists' - outside artists who made defining contributions to recordings. This would include Robert Fripp's performances on David Bowie's albums, but could also extend, for example, to Eric Clapton on 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps' or Duane Allman on 'Layla'".

"We argue", he goes on, "that such historic iconic performances should rightly be categorised as 'other featured artists', as they almost certainly would be if they were recorded today. That category, however, had not been invented at the time - so PPL insists on downgrading them to 'non-featured artist', an honourable but very large category, where they also place all session musicians and backing singers".

In his Facebook post, Fripp says that the Bowie estate and PPL have been basically passing the buck back and forth to each other regarding his status on these recordings, sending him in a loop that is stopping any resolution from being reached.

He writes: "Essentially, the David Bowie Estate argues that [my] featured performer status is not acknowledged by PPL rules; and PPL argues that as the David Bowie Estate does not accept [me] as a featured performer, [I am] therefore not a featured player - and their rules confirm this. Anyone read 'Catch 22'?"

Responding to the posts made by Fripp and Singleton, PPL says that it distributes royalties to more than 100,000 performers and labels "according to a set of 'distribution rules' that have been in place for some time and were approved by individuals representing a broad cross-section of the recorded music industry including both featured and non-featured performers".

The society's spokesperson adds: "Whilst we are unable to comment on individual cases, performers are classified using a performer classification system set out in PPL's published distribution rules. All classification is made based on applying the information we receive from the relevant parties to these rules".

"It is important to point out", they go on, "that the classifications within these rules do not seek to make any value judgement on the quality, importance or extent of a performer's contribution on a recording. PPL is always mindful of the different ways in which all of our members can be affected by our policies and we remain committed to operating a fair and straightforward system of distributing revenue to all performers".

It's possible that PPL might be concerned about opening the flood gates if it introduced new flexibilities in the definition of featured artist. At the moment, a musician's status as a feature performer - as set out in those distribution rules - is generally linked to their contractual relationship with the copyright owner and/or whether or not they got formal billing on the record's release.

Of course, where the other featured artists who appear on a track do not object to someone else being granted featured status, even if that person doesn't currently qualify under PPL's definition, then having some new flexibility in the system need not be a problem. But if it led to disputes about each musician's relative contribution, you can understand why the society wouldn't want to get involved in any of that.

Either way, it has to be said that in Fripp's case there is a very strong argument for his featured artist status on these tracks. As Singleton notes: "In Robert's case ... there is abundant evidence from all those involved - the producer, Tony Visconti, the co-writer, Brian Eno, and David Bowie himself - who described the performance as a 'duet' between him and Robert. They [are] all on record as describing Robert Fripp's performances as far more than that of a session musician. Even so, PPL are determined to categorise him in that way".

It remains to be seen whether going public over this dispute aids Fripp's case to have his contribution to the Bowie tracks reclassified.


Campaigners put pressure on festivals to reject facial recognition technology
US campaign group Fight For The Future has published a list of the music festivals that have committed to not employ facial recognition technology for ticketing or security reasons at their events. Alongside that, the group has also named (and presumably shamed) the (mainly American) festivals that it has contacted but who have so far not responded to the request for a position on the use of such tech.

The campaigners are responding to growing concerns over the employment of facial recognition technology and the privacy implications that its use raises.

When launching its facial recognition 'scorecard' earlier this week, Fight The Future stated: "Several major festivals - including SXSW, Coachella, Electric Daisy Carnival and Pitchfork Music Festival - along with all properties of the major events conglomerate AEG Presents, did not respond to repeated requests from organisers, and have made no commitments, causing concern among fans that they may be currently experimenting with facial recognition or planning to use it in the future".

As for the other live music giant, Live Nation, it previously invested in a start-up developing a facial recognition system for large-scale events. Though, in the midst of the current backlash, it insists that it is not currently using any such system at any of its shows.

Fight For The Future say this confirmation "is a positive step given that they previously invested in the technology. But troublingly, they explicitly left the door open to future use on an 'opt-in' basis, something security and human rights experts warn does not alleviate the concerns with mass collection of sensitive biometric information".

Tom Morello, Amanda Palmer, Thievery Corporation, Gramatik, Anti-Flag and Melissa Ferrick are among the artists who are supporting the campaign to pressure live music firms to reject facial recognition tech at their venues and events.

For his part, Morello said in a tweet: "I don't want Big Brother at my shows targeting fans for harassment, deportation or arrest. That's why I'm joining this campaign calling on [the live sector] not to use #facialrecognition at festivals and concerts".

You can see the Fight For The Future 'scorecard' here.


VMS announces Bert Van Horck as new CEO
UK venue management company VMS Live has announced Bert Van Horck as its new CEO. He replaces the company's founder Steve Forster, who died earlier this year.

Forster's widow Kate, who is also joining the company as a non-executive director, says: "I am focusing on the opportunity to preserve and continue to grow the legacy of my late husband. This is the appropriate time to extend a huge thank you all the staff, suppliers, clients and other stakeholders who all contributed to keeping VMS Live running in the difficult past five months".

She adds: "Bert has a unique track record in the event industry, including promoting and producing live entertainment and starting up venues, and I am looking forward to working with him to take the company forward".

Van Horck himself says: "VMS Live is in a great space in this dynamic sector and I am very much looking forward to working with the new team to build on the incredible foundations and legacy Steve Forster, Richard Maides and Carl Bathgate have put in place".

He continues: "We'd also like to give special thanks to Richard and Carl, who led the company over this difficult recent period. Both have now resigned following a transfer of their duties. The company is grateful for their long-standing service and contribution to its growth, particularly their special efforts over these five last months".

"They played a major part in developing the USPs which make VMS Live such a unique group of companies", he concludes, "blending venue management, promoting and ticketing into a one-stop-shop entertainment organisation".

During his career, Van Horck has had various roles in and out of the live events industry, including as CEO of security company Showsec.


Approved: Corridor
Corridor may be about to release their third album, but their new music has the urgency of a band on their debut. This is thanks, in a large part, to the fact that new album 'Junior' was written with, well, urgency. Signing to Sub Pop earlier this year, the band set themselves a tight deadline to get the record out before 2019 was over, and then quickly set to work, writing much of it in a single weekend.

Of course, speed often doesn't mean quality, but it is amazing what you can get done with a deadline looming and Corridor really nailed it. The singles 'Topographe' and newly released 'Domino' show this off. The latter is led by a riff built out of two interplaying guitar lines, it runs on motorik beats that lift it off the ground until it's roaring up and away.

"People are often glorifying what being an artist or a musician can mean", says frontman Jonathan Robert. "Art doesn't necessarily make you a better person. There can be angst, stress and so on. It can have a negative, direct impact on the people closest to you. 'Domino' is about navigating just that".

The band will play a one-off UK show at The Waiting Room in Stoke Newington on 6 Nov. Watch the video for 'Domino' here.

Stay up to date with all of the artists featured in the CMU Approved column by subscribing to our Spotify playlist.

Years & Years' Emre Türkmen revives Exit Kid project
Years & Years' Emre Türkmen has revived his Exit Kid project with the band's former touring drummer Dylan Bell. The duo have released new single, 'You Got All The World', featuring vocals from Türkmen's wife Jasmine.

The new track, which heads in a more poppy direction than previous releases, is, they say, "a song about allowing yourself to be swept up in life and love, right here right now".

Directed by Joe Baughman, the video features a digital Emre and claymation Dylan and Jasmine. The director explains: "The video is a lighthearted exploration of how miraculous it truly is for two people, out of all the possible people in all the possible universes, to join together in love".

Watch the video here.


A Winged Victory For The Sullen announce new album and tour dates
A Winged Victory For The Sullen have announced that they will release new album 'The Undivided Five' in November, their first for Ninja Tune.

Along with the announcement they have released two new singles: 'The Haunted Victorian Pencil' and 'The Rhythm Of A Dividing Pair'.

Of the latter, the duo's Adam Wiltzie explains: "We were looking to create some melodic palettes within simple but different analogue sounds and were fortunate to procure two vintage and extremely overpriced synthesizers: a Korg PS 3100 and Roland Jupiter 8. Plus Dustin [O'Halloran, the other half of the duo] has a vintage Prophet 5 in his studio. So there we were and suddenly we did something we almost never do... we started jamming".

"As you know, jamming has become sort of an icky word in these 'we-are-serious-composer times', but on this particular occasion the resonance of the sounds that were coming out of the machines led us to something we were both quite pleased with", he continues.

"In the end it turned out to be a valid stylisation as we found a way to anchor it within the context of the sound of the record", he goes on. "The second half of the song takes a big swing in the direction of a large string ensemble, but as things go when you're making music sometimes improvisational jams need company".

Listen to both new tracks here.

The album will be out on 1 Nov. The duo will also be touring the UK and Ireland early next year. Here are the dates:

26 Feb: Bristol, Trinity Centre
27 Feb: London, Round Chapel
28 Feb: London, Round Chapel
29 Feb: Birmingham, St Paul's Church
1 Mar: Glasgow, St Luke's
2 Mar: Manchester, St Philip's Church Salford
3 Mar: Dublin National Concert Hall
4 Mar: Belfast, St Rosemary Church
5 Mar: Brighton, St George's Church
6 Mar: Liverpool, Unitarian Church


King Creosote announces new tour for live film soundtrack
After five years, King Creosote has announced new tour dates, performing his soundtrack to the film 'From Scotland With Love'.

Last performed in 2015, the musician's score accompanies director Virginia Heath's film made up of archive footage from the National Library Of Scotland and Scottish Screen Archive.

On his decision to revive the show, King Creosote says: "Even without the use of a TV, mobile phone and the internet, I am all but overwhelmed by the ongoing chaotic upheaval that is 2019, and alas there looks to be little reprieve come 2020. So what better a tonic than to revisit the daily lives of our grand, great grand, and great great grandparents' generation as they go about their work and play?"

Tickets go on sale tomorrow. Here are the dates:

7 Mar: Edinburgh, Usher Hall
8 Mar: Inverness, Eden Court Theatre
9 Mar: Aberdeen, Music Hall
11 Mar: Perth, Concert Hall
12 Mar: Glasgow, Royal Concert Hall,
14 Mar: London, Barbican
16 Mar: Manchester, Bridgewater Hall



Bucks Music has signed producer and songwriter Seton Daunt to a worldwide publishing deal. His credits include songs performed by Sub Focus and Five Seconds Of Summer. "Seton is such a musically rich and versatile producer and songwriter that we jumped at the opportunity to work with him", says Bucks A&R consultant Flash Taylor.

Puerto Rican duo Buscabulla have signed to Domino, marking the occasion by releasing new single, 'Vámono'. Their debut album is due out next year.



Kobalt's AWAL has hired Sam Potts to be its VP Promotion. Potts was previously Head Of Radio Promotions at Sony's Columbia label. "I'm absolutely THRILLED that Sam is joining the AWAL team", weeps AWAL GM Paul Trueman.

The Public Affairs Director of record industry trade group BPI, Ian Moss, is leaving the organisation after eight years. He will take up a new position as CEO of the International Association For Scientific, Technical And Medical Publishers.



Nicki Minaj retired from music last month. But she didn't mention this when promoting PnB Rock's new track 'Fendi', on which she features.

Slayer have released a live video of 'Repentless', taken from upcoming live film 'The Relentless Killogy'. The film, recorded in 2017, will be released on 8 Nov, just weeks before the band play their final shows.

Foals have released new track 'Into The Surf', from upcoming new album 'Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 2', which is out on 18 Oct.

Korn have released a live video for 'You'll Never Find Me', from new album 'The Nothing'.

Askjell has released the video for 'To Be Loved', featuring Aurora, the title track of his new EP.

Liz has released new single 'Lottery'. "I wanted to make a track as an ode to Nadia Oh", she says. "I feel like her work with Space Cowboy really paved the way for a lot of future pop girls today. But she was doing it in real time, and probably had no idea the kind of influence she would have on underground pop culture in the future, including collectives like PC Music".

Honeyblood have released new single 'Bubble Gun', the first release featuring ex-Charli XCX drummer Debbie Knox-Hewsom and bassist Anna Donnigan, formerly of Pins. The band will be on tour in the UK in October and November.

Alexander Tucker has released the video for 'Montag' from his new 'Guild Of The Asbestos Weaver' album. He plays The Social in London tonight, followed by Kazimier Stockroom in Liverpool tomorrow.



Queen and Adam Lambert have announced 2020 UK tour dates. They'll play five nights at the O2 Arena in London on 2-3, 5-6 and 9 Jun, followed by two nights at the Manchester Arena on 11-12 Jun. I suppose you can call that a tour.

Julia Holter has been commissioned by Opera North to compose a new score for 1928 silent film 'The Passion Of Joan Of Arc'. It will premiere in Leeds and London next June. Tickets here.

Los Campesinos will play two shows at Islington Assembly Hall on 14-15 Feb to mark the tenth anniversary of their second album, 'Romance Is Boring'. Said album will also be re-issued on 14 Feb.

Rozi Plain is heading out on a tour of the UK next month, including a show at the Old Blue Last in London on 23 Oct. As well as that, she's just released a new remix EP.

Check out our weekly Spotify playlist of new music featured in the CMU Daily - updated every Friday.


Nine ways to celebrate BBC Music Day - you won't believe number six!
Guys, it's finally here! Today is BBC Music Day! So don the hat you cut out of this week's Radio Times and get ready to celebrate! If you're a fan of music - and unless you're a major record label executive reading this, I'm going to assume you are - then this is the one day of the year when you get to wear it on your sleeve without fear of repercussions. Your love of music, I mean. Not the Radio Times hat.

We know it can be daunting though, with so much going on. That's why we've put together this quick guide to getting the most out of the next twelve hours...

1. Turn on the radio
All day today selected BBC Radio stations - including Radio 1 and 6 Music - will be playing music. Yes, music! All day! With some talking bits, obviously. But get this, they'll be talking about MUSIC! Just tune in, listen and let the sound wash over you before they all fall silent tomorrow.

2. Go outside
Want to get involved yourself? Just head outside and get creative. Sing your heart out, click your fingers, stamp your feet, pick up that instrument you haven't played since you were twelve and wave it around above your head, and then bang on a bin with a discarded shoe. There are no limits to the ways you can go about making some music. One of the thousands of roving BBC broadcast vans that are driving aimlessly around the country today will eventually stop and transmit your talents to the world.

3. Morn 'Top Of The Pops'
Remember when we all used to watch 'Top Of The Pops' on a Thursday evening? That was good, wasn't it? And if you're remembering watching it on a Friday evening or Sunday teatime, you're a liar. No one watch 'TOTP' after 1996.

4. Call in sick
For those of with nine-to-five jobs, it can be all too easy to see your BBC Music Day slip away before you while you've got your head buried in a spreadsheet or you're busy sobbing in a toilet. It doesn't have to be that way though! Just phone your boss and croak these words: "OH FUCK, MY HEAD, MAKE IT STOP". With a duvet day secured, you can then enjoy BBC Music Day as the musical gods intended, glued in to BBC telly from dawn till dusk. Best of all, you'll get to watch special editions of the daytime TV shows you've not seen since you were a student, all with guest pop stars involved. Tune in to 'Heir Hunters', where Harry Styles discovers he's the sole beneficiary of a long-lost uncle's fortune and just spaffs it all on a really over-priced hat. Exciting times. Kind of wish I'd told you about all this before you were actually at work.

5. Nile Rodgers
Nile Rodgers

6. Stay inside
Because it's the BBC's Music Day, most of the stuff happening takes place on a telly set or wireless, and those tend to be in your house. Unless they're not in your house, I suppose. Do people still listen to the radio in the car? Oh, and you can access all those BBC things on a smartphone now can't you! So fuck staying inside, head out to the park and fire up the BBC Sounds app right now! But not the BBC Radio Player app. That's dead.

7. Get the kids involved
There are loads of opportunities for children to be part of the action today, including getting involved with the CBBC Fuzz Band. Just download the BBC Fuzz app and record your little ones banging, screaming and demanding juice. The app will automatically add layers of distortion and then combine it with every other uploaded recording. The resulting noise will be used to scare unruly teenagers away from Jeremy Vine's Merc.

8. Say 'John Peel' three times into a mirror
Legend has it that if you stare into a mirror and say 'John Peel' three times on BBC Music Day, the great man himself will appear and set your record player to the wrong speed. If you don't have a record player, don't worry, he'll just kill you with a hook.

9. Take the bus
All buses in Manchester today will be driven by former members of The Fall.


ANDY MALT | Editor
Andy heads up the team, overseeing the CMU Daily, website and Setlist podcast, managing social channels, reporting on artist and business stories, and writing the CMU Approved column. (except press releases, see below)
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