TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 5, 2016

5 Disturbing Facts Big Food Doesn't Want You to Know

Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

A few inconvenient truths you might need to know before tucking into that next bite of shrimp, beef or bacon. READ MORE»

It's Bizarre: CNN and the Networks Now Rely on Trump to Stay Profitable

Neal Gabler,

Neal Gabler on CNN: "I can’t recall a situation in which a network was so dependent on a candidate. Usually, it’s the other way around." READ MORE»

Inside the Panama Papers: Massive Leak Shows Worldwide Leaders' Corruption

Ben Norton, Salon

One of the biggest leaks in history exposes how global elites and their relatives hide money in offshore tax havens. READ MORE»

I Was a Pastor to Trump Supporters—Here's Why Thousands Are Flocking to His Rallies

By Daniel Schultz, Religion Dispatches

People who vote for Donald Trump are the people let down by our society’s failed promises, including religious ones. READ MORE»

Could Nuclear Disaster Come to America?

By Ellen Cantarow and Alison Rose Levy, TomDispatch

A Fukushima on the Hudson?  READ MORE»

Mass Incarceration Was a Huge Mistake—Here's What Needs to Change

By Michael Tonry, Oxford University Press

In America, all the things that can go wrong with criminal justice have done so. READ MORE»

Led by a New Generation, Muslim Americans Are Making Their Presence Felt in the Presidential Campaign

By Saif Alnuweiri, AlterNet

Voting as a bloc for the first time in over a decade, Muslims have shifted their support to Democrats. READ MORE»

Why Is Fox News Suddenly Kissing Bernie's Behind? 10 Surprising Media Moments

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

One of the more bizarre political lovefests. READ MORE»

Why It's Time to Crowd-Source Our Neighborhoods and Build Up America's Local Economies

By Alice Maggio, Schumacher Center for a New Economics

A new participatory entrepreneurship, where everyone shares in the expenses. READ MORE»

I Write Cosmo Sex Tips, and I Shamelessly Love It—Despite All the Shade

By Anna Breslaw, xoJane

Yeah, we have sex tips (which I write), but we also have Smart Woman Things! READ MORE»

Some White Teachers Have Lower Academic Expectations of Their Black Students

By Marlena Fitzpatrick García, AlterNet

White and black teachers had different predictions when asked about the same black student.  READ MORE»

Sometimes Suffering Is Inevitable—Here Are Some Ways to Tackle It Head On

By Kelly Brogan, MD,

Challenges can be exactly what the doctor ordered. Sometimes even tragedy is part of our path.  READ MORE»

Trump Reveals His Cluelessness About Colorado's Experience With Legal Marijuana

By Allen Clifton, Forward Progressives

The Donald cited "negative reports." Here's what we actually found.  READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders Supporters Hold Massive #OccupyCNN Protest Over Lack of Coverage

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Hundreds of protesters took to the streets of Hollywood outside the CNN headquarters on Sunday. READ MORE»

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