Leen Lambrechts & Miriam Elst - 09/12/19
Serious Playing with Lego in Coaching

*** Location differs from other coach evenings, please see below ***
Lego Serious Play

Experiential coaching based on LEGO SERIOUS PLAY® methodology : 

Playing with Lego® triggers our creative and imaginative brain. Our hands are producing models based on a coaching question.
During the workshop we will use our play capacity and our hand intelligence and discover unconscious dimensions of our thoughts and feelings. 

Leen Lambrechts

Master Certified Coach since 2006, Accredited Coach Supervisor (postgraduate), Director of Accredited Coach Training Program ROOT-GROW (ACTP), Lego Serious Play® facilitator, Richard Barret Value Based Tool licenced, Marshal Goldsmith Stake Holder Centered Coaching, NLP, Tranformational Coaching (Alan Seale), Trauma based body work, Systemic Coach, Lead trainer Team Coaching.

Miriam Elst
Miriam is the founder of Bricks & Brains and co-founder of Pixels in Stereo. Offering fully customized Human Centered Design Services and Trainings to businesses, organizations and public services. Enhancing collaboration, communication and co-creation through workshops on Design Thinking, Innovation, Creativity and Sustainable Leadership. 
Miriam is an expert in LEGO® Serious Play® methodologies, Game Based Learning and is a master in Group Facilitation Processes. She became passionate about LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® after seeing the positive and impactful results over and over again at each workshop. How group dynamics changed positively, how creativity and innovative thinking emerged and how collaboration and bridges were built in teams and organizations.
Using 3D modeling to visualize abstract ideas is very powerful. Especially the conversations that happen during the process. Getting aligned visions and actionable outcomes make it an incredible effective tool in todays fast paced world. Slowing down, away from high tech sometimes is exactly what teams need to unlock their hidden potential and to reinforce their creativity.
Before Bricks & Brains, Miriam worked as a Business Consultant for BNP Parisbas Fortis, Belfius, ING, Telenet, Borealis Group, Godiva Chocolatier, Engie-Electrabel, Fraport, ...

Informations pratiques :
LocationTHE HOUSE TO BE - Z.1. Researchpark 21 - 1731 Zellik
TimingConference from 20h to 21h30 - welcome starting at 19h - sandwiches & drinks included - networking before and after the conference.
CCEU:Core Competencies : 0.75 - Personal Development : 0.75
Fee: Free for the members of ICF Belgium - € 50 for non-members.
The conference will be in English.
Cancellations: If you need to cancel, it is now possible to do so in your Dashboard, in Registered events. Please help us avoid food waste by letting us know if you can't come!

Click here to register

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