Best Tips (May 24, 2019)
Meet Coco! This beautiful Siamese is our most recent contest winner. If you haven't shared your pet recently, it's a great time to do so.

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Thrifty Tip Contest

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Pet Contest

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Today's Featured Post

Coco (Siamese Shorthair)

By Stacey Henke S.

Coco (Siamese Shorthair) - seal point Siamese catSome friends of ours asked if we would like some Siamese kittens and I said I'd have to ask my husband since he's not really a cat person, but he agreed to go look at them. There were two available; a brother and sister. He held the little boy and fell in love! He is the one who picked Coco!

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Today's Guides
Baked Sweet Potatoes Recipes
Baked sweet potato cut into cubes with in the skin.
Removing Cat Vomit on Wool Carpet
Cat sitting in the sunlight on a wool rug.
Getting The Most Out Of Your Credit Card Rewards
Man Reviewing his Credit Card Rewards
Rooster Information and Photos
Photo of a rooster in the grass.
Cleaning Stains from Plastic
Plastic Container
Preventing the Spread of Germs
Woman Blowing Her Nose
Today's Posts

Black Bean Stuffed Bell Peppers

Black Bean Stuffed Bell PeppersThese stuffed bell peppers are delicious, nutritious and simple to make. Check out this video and make some for dinner tonight!

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