CSO US First Look

The day's top cybersecurity news and in-depth coverage

July 22, 2023

Code42 adds customizable insider risk alerts to Incyder

Code42's Incydr now enables security teams to create context-based insider risk alerts using customizable indicators.
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New peer-to-peer worm infects Redis instances through Lua vulnerability

The worm, dubbed P2PInfect, works across platforms and is resistant to takedowns. It might be the first stage of a larger attack.
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Sophisticated HTTP and DNS DDoS attacks on the rise

Cybercriminals are now using techniques to launch distributed denial of service attacks once only available to nation-state threat actors.
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Initial access broker posts targeting banks increase on dark web

Financial institutions should continuously monitor the dark web to identify threats and prevent breaches, Searchlight Cyber advises in a new study.
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Why and how CISOs should work with lawyers to address regulatory burdens

As the scope of cybersecurity related regulations grows, CISOs may need to partner more closely with legal teams to understand the changing requirements.
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New CISO appointments 2023

Keep up with news of CSO, CISO, and other senior security executive appointments.
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