Organizing Tips (March 17, 2019)
If you buy coffee in those handy plastic tubs, save them for organizing projects. The resealable lid and wide mouth can be used for all sorts of materials and are much more convenient than old coffee cans which can rust.

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Today's Featured Post

Coffee Tubs As Tool Storage

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

Coffee tubs and other recycled containers being used for organizing tools.There were some pretty drawers in the kitchen where I kept some tools there and some in another place and still some in some other place. Well, it was getting a bit silly. So today, I sat a coffee tub inside the drawer and it fit, then I figured out another 3 fit.

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Today's Guides
Living a Frugal and Organized Life
A couple putting money into a piggy bank.
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Organizing Your Bathroom
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Stack of blue, yellow, and green sponges.
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Today's Posts

Safe Way to be Paid for Large Ticket Items on Craigslist

By mom-from-missouri

Have them meet you at the bank and do a cash deal inside the bank. Make it a point to deposit the cash then and there. If they are crooked people, they know not to follow you to get it back because they saw you deposit it.

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Creatively Store Kitchen Hand Towels

By tiffanytallent1981

Creatively Store Kitchen Hand TowelsEvery season and holiday, I change out my kitchen hand towels and pot holders. I accumulated so many items that I ran out of drawer space. Several years ago, I decided to try putting all of my hand towels in small bins. I take the rolled up towels and set them upright in a bin and basket.

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Recycling Made Easy

By littergitter

A trash can full of recycling.I enjoy recycling and recycle everything that I can. To keep the items we use in the house separated from the trash, I have a container just for recycling. Each day, I empty it into the large container outside which has a lid secured with a bungee cord.

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