TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 16, 2016

Trump Wants Ivanka's Hubby, Jared Kushner, to Have Super Top Secret Clearance—Here's What You Should Know About Him

By Janet Allon, AlterNet

The Trump family's conflicts of interest are mind-boggling. READ MORE»

Warren to Trump: 'I Will Oppose You, Every Step of the Way'

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The senator penned an open letter to the president-elect calling out his "con" of a campaign.  READ MORE»

Worst Potential Trump Pick of All? It Might Be Anti-Immigration Guru Jeff Sessions as Attorney General

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

The Alabama senator wants to shut down immigration and birthright citizenship—and tells "jokes" about the KKK. READ MORE»

Colbert Blasts Facebook for Helping Trump Win by Allowing Fake News to Flourish

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

“As of today, Facebook will restrict these fake news sites." Too little, too late. READ MORE»

Laura Ingraham, Right-Wing, Anti-Latino Pundit, Is Front-Runner for Trump Press Secretary

By Cristina López G., Media Matters

The White House press room could be a very hostile place for working journalists. READ MORE»

Nate Silver Reveals Why We're Not Done With Polls After Trevor Noah Skewers Him for Being So Wrong This Election

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"This entire race, you were wrong," Noah told Silver.  READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Brian McFadden on White House Warning Signs

By Brian McFadden, AlterNet

There's going to be some changes to the interior. READ MORE»

Colbert Has a Special Request for Trump on Behalf of 8 Million People

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Please don't come back every week to New York." READ MORE»

Donald Trump and Marijuana: Will 2016's Two Biggest Winners Get Along?

By Rob Hotakainen, McClatchy Newspapers

Trump has said marijuana policy should be up to the states, but that was on the campaign trail. Will he stay true to his word?  READ MORE»

MLK Center Defaced with Racist Slur in Spokane

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"I never want to hear ‘let it go’ or ‘get over it’ again,” says city council president.  READ MORE»

John Kerry Visits Antarctica, Vows to Do 'Everything Possible' to Prevent Trump From Dismantling Paris Agreement

By Stefanie Spear, EcoWatch

"We will wait to see how the next administration addresses this, but I believe we're on the right track." READ MORE»

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