TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 26, 2017

Stephen Colbert Updates the Official Boy Scout Oath In Honor of President Trump

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"On my honor, I will do my best to make a tremendous amount of money" and "keep myself physically strong with golf and steak."  READ MORE»

Trump Decrees on Twitter That Transgender People Now Banned from Military Service

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

A reversal of Obama's decision to allow transgender people in the military. READ MORE»

As Trump Attacks Sessions, Conservative Republicans Are Waking up to the President They Elected

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Now that Trump is tormenting his most loyal follower on a daily basis, others around him can only wonder who's next. READ MORE»

President of Boy Scouts Has Billions of Reasons to Overlook Trump’s Controversial Jamboree Speech

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The president of the BSA is seeking approval from the Trump administration to sign off on a proposed $85 billion media acquisition. READ MORE»

WATCH: Texas Police Officer Harasses Black Teen for Mowing Grass

By Shreesha Ghosh, International Business Times

Promoting one's business while black is apparently now a crime. READ MORE»

Zombie Trumpcare Refuses to Die, but Protesters Are Just as Relentless

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Protest is a part of today's daily routine. READ MORE»

School Funding So Low, Tulsa Teacher Panhandles for School Supplies

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

A campaign has drawn national attention to the harrowing effects of public education cuts.  READ MORE»

'I'm Straightly Not Answering Your Question': Scaramucci's Bizarre Evasions Leave CNN's Cuomo Flummoxed

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

His communications strategy is evade, evade, evade. READ MORE»

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