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Collaboration for Impact

Insights Report

New research by Corporate Citizenship reveals that a new era of collaboration is upon us. As companies aspire to achieve greater societal impact, they are moving away from traditional partnership models and seeking out new models of collaboration.

Five models of effective collaboration were identified in the research:

  • The Conductor - A single company collaborating with a number of not-for-profit partners to solve a specific challenge. 
  • The Alliance - A company or group of companies that have come together to tackle a specific industry issue.
  • The Assortment - Several companies across industries working together, often alongside not-for-profits and/or government bodies, to solve a particular societal issue, applying their resources, skills and expertise as relevant.
  • The Engager - A company that engages and collaborates with its clients or customers through specific corporate responsibility initiatives or a commercial relationship to solve sustainability issues. 
  • The Selector - A company that selects and collaborates with parties with varying but specific expertise across a range of fields to address a societal issue. This collaboration is the most mature model and involves taking a holistic approach to solve an issue.  
Click here to download the report

Insightful interviews with RELX Group, Singtel, IHS Markit, Kellogg’s and CARE International can be accessed here.

Download interviews here

Transition to GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards

Register for upcoming training courses: 
London and Singapore

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s guidelines are the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting disclosures. GRI recently launched the latest evolution of the guidelines – the GRI Standards.

Corporate Citizenship, a Certified Training Partner to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the UK and Singapore, is offering training on the GRI Standard in 2017.

GRI Standards Training – Two Day Workshop, London
This GRI-certified training programme will introduce you to the elements of a good sustainability report and prepare you to co-ordinate the sustainability reporting process using the GRI Standards. 
The workshops are being offered on two separate dates:

When: 27-28 April 2017 / 29-30 June 2017
Timings: 2 full days (08:30-17:30)
Where: Corporate Citizenship, Holborn Gate (Fifth Floor), 26 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1PQ

Find out more and register for GRI Standards Training in London here

GRI Standards Training - Two Day Workshop, Singapore 
Corporate Citizenship in collaboration with NCSR, a Certified Training Partner to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in Singapore, is offering a two-day intensive workshop on the GRI Standard. Download the training brochure here.

When: 3
-4 May 2017
Timings: 2 full days (08:30-17:30)
Where: Dempsey House, 8D Dempsey Rd, Singapore, 249672

Register for training in Singapore here

Sustainability - Lessons in Leadership

Upcoming webinar

Outstanding sustainability performance is demonstrated by a wide range of companies across diverse sectors. One common characteristic that unites these different businesses is leadership. 

This webinar will bring together a unique combination of perspectives to explore leadership in sustainability. Corporate Citizenship will draw on its 20 years’ of experience in helping business leaders develop sustainability strategies. We will be joined by Matt Gitsham, Director of the Ashridge Centre for Business and Sustainability at Hult International Business School.

Date: Thursday 27 April 2017
Session 1: 9:30am GMT | 10:30am CET | 5:30pm Singapore
Session 2: 8:30am PT | 11:30am ET | 4:30pm GMT

Click here to find out more

Service spotlight

Benchmarking: our Better Business Benchmark tool  

We believe businesses can use benchmarking to better understand how they compare to others in corporate responsibility, identifying areas of strength, gaps to best practice and opportunities to differentiate from peers

We offer a range of benchmarking support options including custom qualitative benchmarking reports and our new quantitative tool - the Better Business Benchmark

Our Better Business Benchmark uses a proprietary framework comparing the performance of businesses across ten essential aspects of corporate responsibility, addressing 82 issues. The criteria in the tool are informed by external standards, as well as our 20+ years of experience working with clients to help them benchmark and measure sustainability performance. 

Click to find out more

Contribute to our ESG survey 

As part of our Long-Term Value Project we are helping companies better understand and respond to investor expectations on ESG issues.

We are looking for input from corporate professionals, particularly those in the IR department, to complete our short ESG survey. The survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete and is available here.
You can access our work on this topic online, including a report on demonstrating ESG value to investors and a webinar joined by BlackRock and MSCI. 

Catch up on our latest blogs and articles

We've been busy writing about a number of sustainability and corporate responsibility topics this month. Here's a round-up of the latest:

Take responsibility
Mike Tuffrey

UK workforce: End take your guinea pig to work day
Peter Truesdale

A Sustainable Business Future: The 7 Challenges
Emma Upton

Keeping it cool – The transition away from HFCs
Rita Sampainho

Beer Today, Beer Tomorrow – The Journey to a Sustainable Industry
Emma Upton

Click here for more blogs

Welcoming our new LBG members

Corporate Citizenship is delighted to welcome Ashfield Healthcare and Compass Group as new members to the LBG network. 

They join over 220 companies who use the LBG model to measure and report their contributions to the community.
Find out more about LBG

Don't miss our March webinars  

Here's another chance to catch our webinars from the past month:

Corporate Foundations in a Changing World

Why 2017 Should Be The Year You Respond to RobecoSAM (DJSI)

How Corporate Foundations are Innovating for Social Impact

Investor Perspectives on Sustainability

We're at Sustainable Brands Madrid 2017

Corporate Citizenship is pleased to be participating at this year's Sustainable Brands Madrid conference.

The conference will explore how businesses are achieving enhanced profitability through purpose-driven leadership. Click here to see the agenda and speaker line-up. 

As a supporting partner of SB´17 Madrid we have a discounted rate for our members. Register for the event here and receive a 50% discount with promo code CORPC_SB17_50 (offer is only applicable to new registrations).

Conference discount codes 2016

We are delighted to be partnering with a number of great conferences and summits throughout 2017, which means we are able to offer our readers great discounts.

Please find discount codes below:

Sedex Conference 2017
London, 5-6 April 2017
30% discount with promo code Sedex17-CC30

Innovation Forum: How business can tackle modern slavery and forced labour
London, 25-26 April 2017
20% discount with promo code CC20

Sustainable Brands '17
Madrid, 7-9 May 2017
50% off with promo code CORPC_SB17_50

Edie: 2017 Sustainability Communications Conference
London, 17 May 2017
15% discount with promo code CBB15

16th Responsible Business Summit Europe
London, 7-8 June 2017
Register here and got a £200  discount with the promo code CC200
Corporate Citizenship is a management consultancy specialising in sustainability and corporate responsibility. We focus on delivering growth and long-term value for business and society.
Copyright © 2017 Corporate Citizenship. All rights reserved.

Our mailing addresses:
London: 5th Floor Holborn Gate, 26 Southampton Buildings, London, WC2A 1PQ
Melbourne: LBG Austalia and New Zealand, 20 - 22 Albert Road, South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205
New York: 241 Centre Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10013
San Francisco: 901 Mission Street, Suite 105, San Francisco, CA 94103
Santiago: Av. Kennedy 5735 Oficina 1503, Santiago, Chile
Singapore: 2 Science Park Drive #02-05, Singapore, 118 222

Contact us:
London: +44 (0)20 7861 1616
Melbourne: +61 (3) 9993 0452 
New York: 1 212 226 3702
San Francisco: 1 415 416 9580
Santiago: +56 (2)2 247 9008
Singapore: +65 6822 2203

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