Saving Net Neutrality is one of the most important things we can do to create a more just, equitable and inclusive world
free press action fund

Saving Net Neutrality is going to take all of us working together over the next 20 days, which represent our best opportunity to restore the open-internet rules. Sign up here to visit your lawmaker.


AT&T, Comcast and Verizon have been freaking out ever since the Senate passed a Congressional Review Act resolution to restore the open-internet rules. A companion bill in the House now has the support of 175 representatives but needs to get to 218 to move forward.

Visit your local lawmaker this summer and urge them to sign the discharge petition that will force a floor vote on the CRA resolution to save Net Neutrality. You can stop in any time during business hours.

Sign up here and get everything you need to stop by your representative’s office.

The Net Neutrality repeal took effect on June 11, and companies like Comcast are now free to violate your online rights to free speech and choice. These same companies are lobbying House members and urging them to withhold their support for the CRA.

We need to remind our lawmakers that they’re supposed to serve their constituents, not broadband providers.

We need to get 218 lawmakers to sign on to the CRA and with your help, we will.

Join Net Neutrality supporters from around the country by dropping in to your representative’s office.

It’s easy to be frustrated with politics these days. But after an inspiring victory in the Senate for Net Neutrality, I’m optimistic. We showed that when a diverse array of voices speaks out we can drown out the lies of big ISPs and their lobbyists in D.C.

Taking action online and making phone calls has been effective, but the best way to show elected officials you care is by showing up in person and telling your story.

We have everything you need to help you prep for your visit and are available to answer any questions you might have.

Sign up and get our easy-to-use toolkit.

Saving Net Neutrality is one of the most important things we can do to create a more just, equitable and inclusive world. By winning this fight we will demonstrate that grassroots democracy is alive and well, and that when we don’t let misinformation and cynicism divide us, we can achieve more than anyone thought possible.

Thanks for all that you do—

Adam, Lucia, Dutch and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. Tell your House rep to listen to you, not the big broadband providers that want to destroy the open internet. Sign up here to visit your local lawmaker and we’ll get you everything you need to make your visit a success.

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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