This bill will save Net Neutrality and the internet as we know it.


This week Democrats in Congress introduced the Save The Internet Act, which would bring back the Net Neutrality protections the Trump FCC destroyed.

This is our moment: Urge Rep. Lieu and Sens. Feinstein and Harris to support the Save the Internet Act today.

Thank you!


Free Press Action

Democrats have introduced a bill that will save Net Neutrality and the internet as we know it. Tell Congress to get on board now.


Huge news: Democrats in Congress have introduced new legislation that would restore the FCC’s strong Net Neutrality rules.

And — surprise surprise — the big internet service providers are already trying to stop this bill in its tracks.

It’s an old story: Gatekeepers want to hoard their power. The open internet has been a transformative force for people of color and other marginalized communities looking to tell their own stories, organize for justice and launch and grow businesses on their own terms. And that’s a threat to the media and tech companies that wield massive economic power in our society.

But the internet — built on and powered by Net Neutrality — has always been different. Without it, we risk a future online experience that looks nothing like what we have today — one where companies like Comcast and Verizon can block or slow down whatever websites or content they feel like. And this isn’t just hyperbole. They’ve done it before and — without strong rules to stop them — will do it again.1

But this Congress can take bold action to keep these cable and phone companies in check.

Tell Rep. Lieu and Sens. Feinstein and Harris to support the Save The Internet Act now.

This is the time for action and there should be no question for members of Congress on this issue. There’s overwhelming public support for real Net Neutrality all across the political spectrum.

And for good reason. The internet is a central tool in our lives. We use it to access news and information, organize movements, grow our businesses and stay in touch with loved ones. The last thing we need is companies like Comcast and Verizon making decisions about which websites should load faster and succeed at reaching people.

Get your elected officials on board: Tell them to co-sponsor the Save The Internet Act today.

Thanks for all that you do,

Candace, Heather and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. It’s time for Congress to take bold action to save the internet. Urge Rep. Lieu and Sens. Feinstein and Harris to support the Save The Internet Act.

1. “Net Neutrality Violations: A Brief History,” Free Press, Jan. 24, 2018:

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