Plus, Afghan evacuees look to Congress for help, and more…
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September 29, 2022
The Dollar Is Strong. Sound Good? It Isn’t.
A strong dollar is bad for exports. But no one cares because these days our most favored export is … the dollar.
by Timothy Noah
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Special offer: Midterm elections package. 3 months for $10.
We’re still seeing the long-term effects of Covid. Acting like the pandemic is over won’t help us address them.
by Abdul El-Sayed
Now that Manchin’s bill has failed to win enough support, there’s space for a better debate about how to streamline the approval process for new energy projects.
by Kate Aronoff
Lawmakers have yet to vote on the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would provide those who left the country amid our chaotic military withdrawal with a pathway to permanent residency.
by Grace Segers
A rather odd plaintiff—with some convoluted legal arguments—has emerged to sue the administration over its loan forgiveness proposal.
by Matt Ford
Make no mistake, America’s experiment in popular sovereignty is in jeopardy. Here’s how this moment compares to past crises.
by How to Save a Country
The duo talk about Tomasky’s new book, “The Middle Out: The Rise of Progressive Economics and a Return to Shared Prosperity.”
by Michael Tomasky
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