Dear OZY Tribe,

Right now, the weekend may feel like either a distant memory or a far-off dream. But I’m pleased to tell you that OZY’s bringing it a step closer — or at least whetting your appetite as you wait.

This week we’re launching The Weekender, an email newsletter with a difference. It’s designed to deliver genuine, well-thought-out and delicious recommendations for things to watch, listen to, read, play, cook, drink and otherwise devour in your valuable spare time.

So why is it different from all the other recommendation lists out there? Here’s why.

When I joined OZY as managing editor two months ago, moving to California from The Times of London, there swiftly emerged some reassuring constants in the strange and ever-evolving world of a U.S. startup. Without fail, any team meeting began with the same question from OZY’s CEO and co-founder, Carlos Watson: “Anyone watching any good TV shows? Anyone got some fun to pass around?”

I quickly understood why he asked. Our team — which I’m proud to say is as diverse as the world we report on — came up with stonker after stonker (n., Brit., informal: something that is very large or impressive of its kind). Their recommendations were passionate and sincere: from the curious and worldly, for the curious and worldly.

Obviously, the best TV out there is OZY’s own prime-time show, Breaking Big (do check it out — the episode on director Lee Daniels is my personal favorite so far), and the best podcast is The Thread … but aside from that, let members of Team OZY give you a hand with the new Weekender email.

We’d also love to hear your recommendations for little-known or ahead-of-the-curve shows, podcasts, music, apps, recipes, books, games and more. Email us at — and get the chance to star in future Weekenders.


Before I sign off, I want to flag something that I think is very … OZY. Over the past week we launched a campaign with a rather lofty goal: to make social media smarter.

We’ve become sick of Facebook and Instagram feeds that are skin-deep and mindless, reinforcing what you already know. And we wanted to provide something that would make people see the world differently with every swipe.

Hence these posts, juxtaposing celebrity icons with surprising new facts. Intrigued? Here are the stories behind the celebrities — all unique to OZY, all serving our aim to open your mind to the new and the next.

The social media campaign has triggered reactions like these:

  • "I love this ... Much needed. Instagram can be more than an ad for the Kardashians and pretty people. It can engender change and inspire the spread of valuable information." —@dylansworld

  • “BOOM! This is what we need! Intelligent and NEW.” —@digitalcoach

  • “I'm in awe of what u are trying to create!!! Bravo!” —@cmlo_official

Watch this space for more bold campaigns. OZY does not go gentle into that good night...

With all the best to you and yours,

Fay Schlesinger
OZY Managing Editor

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800 West El Camino
Mountain View, California 94040

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