In the Upcoming Catalan Films session you will find a selection of eleven projects, presented by their directors, that are finishing its postproduction.
Nine of this projects are represented by sales agents and the two last films are still looking for someone to represent them. However both films have been selected at some coproduction markets as projects in development.
We encourage you to come and watch our showcase of films and discover the latest trends in the Catalan industry! If you want to know a bit more about the session check Variety's review.
Come see our virtual screenings on:
June 23rd at 3pm - Arcades #9
June 25th at 7pm - Cinema from Spain
You will have a taste of the following films:
THE PEOPLE UPSTAIRS by Cesc Gay Sales Agent: Filmax Love thy neighbor has just taken on a whole new meaning!
CROSS THE LINE by David Victori Sales Agent: Filmax Beyond certain limits, there is no turning back
THE BARCELONA VAMPIRESS by Lluís Danés Sales Agent: Filmax Real monsters do live among us
ALL THE MOONS by Igor Legarreta Sales Agent: Filmax A mix of Let me in plus Handía
ISAAC by Ángeles Hernández & David Matamoros Sales Agent: Alief Two friends meet 16 years after they left high school.
JOSEP by Aurel Sales Agent: The Party Spanish republicans are fleeing Franco’s dictatorship. One of them is Josep Bartoli, an illustrator.
THE MYSTERY OF THE PINK FLAMINGO by Javier Polo Sales Agent: The Party A sound engineer wants to reveal the secrets behind the quintessential icon of kitsch, the Pink Flamingo.
THE OFFERING by Ventura Durall Sales Agent: Moonrise Pictures We are afraid to face those we've hurt.
A PERFECT ENEMY by Kike Maíllo Sales Agent: Pulsar Content Base on "The enemy's cosmetique" by Amélie Nothombe
Films looking for sales agent:
COURAGE by Rubén Rojo In her old age, an actress faces the return home of her alcoholic son, while her career is threatened by impending blindness.
WHAT HAVE WE DONE WRONG by Liliana Torres Lili has been in a stable relationship but there is an underlying unhappiness in her everyday life. She will seek the help of four men by interviewing them and asking: What have we done wrong? Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) Departament de Cultura - Generalitat de Catalunya Passatge de la Banca 1 - 3, E-08002 Barcelona
En compliment del Reglament General de Protecció de Dades (Reglament (UE) 2016/679) us proporcionem informació que heu de conèixer en relació amb l’ús de les dades personals:
Responsable del tractament: Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals. Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Passatge de la Banca, 1, 08002 Barcelona. Més informació a Finalitat: informar sobre les activitats d’internacionalització de l’audiovisual català. Legitimació: consentiment de la persona interessada. Destinataris: les dades no es cediran a tercers. Drets de les persones interessades: podeu exercir els vostres drets d’accés, rectificació, supressió, oposició al tractament, portabilitat de les dades, retirada del consentiment, presentació de reclamació davant l’autoritat de control i sol·licitud de limitació, a través del correu electrònic: Heu d’indicar clarament a la vostra sol·licitud quin o quins drets exerciu.