TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 12, 2017

Donald Trump's Big Mouth May Have Just Gotten Him Impeached

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

McConnell rejects calls for an independent prosecutor, but he can't stop the president from prosecuting himself. READ MORE»

Paul Krugman: The Republican Party Is Just as Treasonous Than Trump

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The New York Times columnist says it's time we acknowledge the GOP has no interest in democracy. READ MORE»

Comey Furious over Trump Team's Smear Campaign — and He's Prepared to Respond: Report

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The former FBI director could prove more dangerous to the president outside the agency than ever before. READ MORE»

Mike Pence Is Neck-Deep in Donald Trump's James Comey Mess

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

The vice president knew all about Michael Flynn's questionable activities. This scandal could bring him down too. READ MORE»

Stephen Colbert Declares Victory in His War of Words with Donald Trump

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The president of the United States has personally come after me and my show. Yay!” READ MORE»

Greg Palast: Trump Picks the Al Capone of Vote-Rigging to Investigate Federal Voter Fraud

By Greg Palast, AlterNet

Kris Kobach is the GOP mastermind behind a secretive system that purged 1.1 million Americans from the voter rolls.  READ MORE»

'America Is in Deep Sh*t': Seth Meyers Pushes the Panic Button as Trump Unravels in Real Time

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The optics of the last 48 hour have been a disaster." READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow on America's Confederacy of Sociopaths

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

Before the election, Trump promised that everyone would be insured. Now... READ MORE»

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