Timely Reliable Information for Southeast Agriculture
John McCurry
A number of professional baseball athletes have migrated onto the farm.
Tom J. Bechman
Expert explains how beefing up your early residual herbicide program can lead to more efficient weed control.
Sarah McNaughton-Peterson, Curt Arens
FP Next: Ep. 5: Deep dive with us as Montana farmer Mitch Konen shares all things barley (and beer) production.
Andy Castillo
The SB.1436DB offers an electronic monitoring and control system that automates baling processes for consistent bale density, weight and dimensions.
John Duff
Sorghum Focus: Ethanol provides steady value-added outlet for U.S. growers.
Dwight Lingenfelter
Talkin Weeds: Reducing spray drift is easier said than done, but in many cases, it involves using common sense.
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